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"Have you heard? They're here."

Instantly, my spine straightened up as I turned to Runa who was lazily reclining across the back seat. Her orange hoodie ears flopped around as she moved to sit up, staring intensely at me. My lips pressed into a line as I internally sighed, knowing exactly who she was talking about.

"Yes. I had a feeling that they might be coming, seeing how they tend to worm their way into everything. It'll probably be to see the Academy or something. Perhaps Erimi or Miri intend to study here for a while." My tone was heavy and bitter as Runa and I shared a look. Since that day, we had been around each other a bit more to the point where we didn't want to kill each other at first sight. It was certainly weird but we knew when to stick together, especially in times like these.

I sighed, peering out of the car window as Yuuto slowly pulled up in front of our school. Students milled about, the weekend finally over and now we were back to a normal, boring school week. Since I had left to confront my parents, I hadn't heard from the rest of the gang. I intended to catch up with them today but I felt as if I'd have to deal with more pressing matters right now. Thanking Yuuto, I slid out of the car, yanking my bag higher up so it rested comfortably on my shoulder. Runa disappeared in the masses of people and I stood alone, staring at the entrance of the school. I really couldn't wait to demolish this shitty place, but first let's get to class I guess.

Somehow, it felt like the whole school knew that they were here, despite it most likely being a secret for now. Runa and I had only found out through our father. He'd received the information from Kirari's dad that they would be visiting the academy today so I'm just going to assume that she wanted us to know in advance for some reason. Her parents would never be that foolish to leak information so carelessly. This was definitely something innocent...or part of some larger game. Pushing my thoughts aside, I kept my eyes peeled for Mary and the others. I really needed to be updated on everything that had happened, including if Sora had done his part of the deal.

"Yomozuki Aiko to the council room!"The overhead speakers shrilled out and I rolled my eyes, knowing that this would be the first of many distractions today. Note to self: leave the council asap! Paying no mind to the people around me, I maneuvered through the hallways, taking my sweet time reaching the council room. Going to that place always seemed like stepping directly into the gates of hell or something like that. Everyone in that place aggravated me. Especially after the whole Kaede situation, seeing the other members was something that I'd rather not do.

"You took your time I see," Midari drawled out, pointing her gun at me the instant that I turned to face her upon entering the room. I sighed, not in the mood to entertain her theatrics today.

"Midari, not today please."

Scoffing, she lowered her gun, giving me a hard glance in the process. "Going soft are we?" she questioned haughtily, unable to understand why I wasn't going at her throat like I normally did. Honestly, I wasn't sure either. The tension between us seemed small in comparison to the other issues that I had and I just wasn't able to muster up the same enthusiasm I always had around her.

"Anyways, what's the issue?" I questioned, taking a seat at the somewhat lonely table. There were only a couple of members left due to the unfortunate departures of Itsuki and Kaede. Now, only the president and vice, Sayaka, Runa, Yumemi, Midari and Yuriko remained. Eight seemed like a large number but it was obvious to everyone outside the council that there had been a fall-no a shift- in power within our school system. Yumeko had ruined it. Places weren't set in stone anymore and you could easily be kicked to the curb now. The council had lost its influence.

"The council gathers every morning, don't we? And you still are a council member Aiko," Yuriko chided, smoothing the obi of her kimono carefully. Arrogance seeped through her words and I gritted my teeth in anger. She still wanted to act superior it seemed, despite her embarrassing defeat to Yumeko. Deciding she wasn't worth my time I settled with sending her a dirty glare from across the table.

"Now, now ladies. Let's all get along shall we?" Kirari chirped but it wasn't hard to miss the subtle underlying threat in her tone. I nodded, turning my head to face her. I immediately wanted to recoil.

There was something...strange about her today. The glint in her blue eyes was a bit more intense than usual and suddenly I had the overwhelming urge to just get up and leave. Clearly, Runa could sense something was up too from the way I saw her readjust her hands ever so slightly so that her thumbs were on top of one another. I knew from experience that she only did that when feeling extremely tense.

"Originally, I planed to absolve the council. It's clear that we lack a lot of power now. However, I've chosen to stand down and have someone be my replacement."

Everyone turned to Kirari in shock, including me. This was a completely unexpected turn of events. Although the council had lost its influence, I had just expected her to continue on with her leadership, recruiting new members along the way. Furthermore, who would take her place? Neither Yumeko, Mary or I could have anticipated something like this.

Yuriko spoke up, expressing the shock that everyone at that table felt. "How could you throw away your power like this? Especially when the academy is unstable! President, please reconsider!"

"I never thought that you would speak up against me Yuriko, how interesting." Kirari's words were cool and collected as she rose from her seat, crossing behind me to walk over to the fish aquarium kept in the room. "The aquarium that I've built is failing me. There's an unbalance now as someone has messed up the natural order, corrupting people who she gets close to...destroying everything. So what's the harm if I shake things up a bit more?"

My eyes narrowed as Kirari spoke, immediately knowing that she was talking about Yumeko. Ever since she arrived, she had shaken up the whole academy but now Kirari wanted her own chance at creating chaos. Suddenly, my blood ran cold, eyes widening as Kirari smiled at me, lips turned up so I could see the glint of her teeth. Oh fu-

The door crashed loudly as it opened, a person with brown hair and glasses entering. They had on the academy uniform, shoes clacking against the wooden floor as they reached the centre of the room, bowing deeply to all of us. Squinting, I tried more clearly to see who it was as I couldn't make out their features.

"Get out! We're in the middle of a council meeting! Who are you?" Sayaka yelled, rising up out of her seat.

"I'd watch your mouth if you know what's good for you Sayaka. Just listen." Runa said, her tone deep and serious opposed to her normal voice. At that moment, I knew exactly why this person was here and exactly who would be coming through those doors any second now. Kirari smirked at Runa, guesturing upwards with her hand. A large volume of people began to come into the room, quietly lining up against the wall. As they walked in, the brown haired person introduced them one by one, although I didn't bother to listen. I already knew who they were, I was more interested in them.

"Lastly, my name is Batsubami Rei and I am here to serve them during our time here." Looking closer, I realised that Batsubami was a girl, her hair cut into a short and choppy style. She noticed me staring and smirked my way, causing me to harden my eyes and look straight back at her.

"Who are these people?" Sayaka asked, now looking more confused than ever. I knew that they would be coming but I didn't expect so many of them. I debated telling Sayaka and the rest of the members who they where but decided against it, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. Although, I got the sense that some of them might have remembered who I was, judging by the looks that I was receiving.

"Everyone here is apart of the Momobami clan, related to the clan head who is Kirari. The clan extends over many families but the people you see before you are represting their families at the academy." Batsubami smoothly explained, gazing over at us. My eyes were fixated on Erimi who was smirking over at Runa and I. At first, I thought she wouldn't recognise us but it seems like she had been doing her research.

The tension in the room was thick as we stared at one another, nobody quite sure what would happen next. Kirari giggled, going over to stand with her clan.

"Welcome to my academy and to the presidential election. I hope you will all enjoy yourselves." She said whilst I felt my heart sink into my stomach. It was about to get crazier than ever before at Hyakkou and I don't think any one of us was prepared.


hello, hello, hello! Aiko and co are officially back with book two! I can't wait to take you on this crazy adventure with me! - OpalFt x

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