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"Oh shoot! I've got to go, or I'll be late!" Barry zoomed out of the lab.

Cisco rolled his eyes, "You would think that gaining super-speed would give him better time management."

Iris shook her head, "You don't know Barry. He's always been like this. You could tell him about something every day for a month in advance and he would still be late. It's in his DNA."

"At least he wasn't late for the wedding," Catlin added helpfully.

"I'll give him that." Iris shrugged, "Not that the wedding went how we'd planned." They all laughed as the got back to work tracking down the latest rogue. No one thinking to ask where Barry had gone...

~time skip~

"Hey Barry, can you help me with something?"

"Sure Ralph." Barry ran over to him. "What do you need?"

"Well, there's this girl I like." He started, "Most of the time women are just kind of a one and done thing for me you know?"

"I'm gonna stop you there because I really don't want to know where this is going..." Barry started to make a run for it.

"Wait no!" he stopped him. "What I'm saying is, this girl is different. Her name is Sue and I really like her. I really don't want to mess this up, so I was hoping you could give me some pointers. Like, how did you finally ask Iris out?"

"Oh um..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "She uh... she kinda asked me out first..." Ralph looked at him confused. "Okay so ever since I was a little kid I had a crush on Iris then my mom died and my dad was sent to prison and I had to go move in with her and that was really awkward and I really wanted to tell her how I felt but I was afraid that if she didn't like me back that I would lose her like my parents and I was like nine, so I didn't even know what to say to her or how to say it and as I got older I kept wanting to tell her but I kept chickening out and eventually I was really going to tell her for real but I got struck by lighting and I was in a coma for like nine months and by the time I got out of a coma she was dating this guy named Eddie that ended up being the Reverse Flash's ancestor but that's another story, anyway she was dating Eddie so I couldn't date her, but I eventually told her I loved her, but obviously at the time she didn't like me back then a year later after she found out I was the Flash I was about to do something really stupid and dangerous, I don't even remember anymore but she said she liked me back since Eddie was dead now, well she didn't say that last part, but because Eddie was dead we could now date each other and Yeah. That's how it happened."

Ralph just stood there with his mouth open, "You do realize that you were rambling through that whole thing at super speed, right?"

"Oh, sorry what I was saying was..." Barry was about to start over, but Ralf stopped him.

"That's enough there Romeo." Ralph sighed, "I think I'll just ask Iris. Or maybe Catlin..."

"That's probably a good idea..." Barry looked down at his watch. "Shoot! I've got to go!"

Ralph just stood there as Barry zipped past him. "Good talk. Hmm, Catlin or Iris... One is currently not in a relationship, and one married Barry Allen..." he thought about the conversation he just went through, "I'll ask Catlin..."

~time skip~

"Just one more piece..." the block successfully fell from the tower. "Ha! Your turn Cisco!"

"I know it's my turn, Iris..." He said frustrated. He slowly reached for a Jenga block, "Easy... easy..."

"It's that late already?!" Barry ran from the room.

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