Goodbyes and Memories

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It has been a week since the 2 passings Elijah and Atlantis were obviously still not okay with it and spent as much time with there loved ones to help them recover even though it would take a while. The steam steam hadn't fully processed everything that has happened especially Thomas. Today Sir Topham Hatt has decided to plan a special service for Edward and Henry. He told his engines to try their best to continue with work but found it hard to.
Thomas was working on his branch line and was still upset while Annie and Clarabelle were trying to cheer him up by singing. They did manage to make him laugh a little cause of how ridiculous they sounded even though they didn't mean to, but either it way it cheered him up temporarily. When Thomas stopped for water Ethan got out of the cab to talk with him.
Ethan: Hey thomas how you doing?
Thomas: A little better...
Ethan: Yeah me too ever since the coaches started singing.
Annie & Clarabelle: Your welcome!
Thomas: Yeah, Yeah...
Ethan: i was saying... So the service is on Saturday and well i was wondering if you'd like to say a few things...
Thomas: Yes i would...
Ethan: Okay so it'll be you, Atlantis, Elijah, James, and Sir Topham Hatt.
Thomas: okay when does it start?
Ethan: Around 5:30 pm okay we shou-
Thomas:'s Elijah and Atlantis?
Ethan: They're... They're managing just fine.
Thomas: I hope they feel better, they don't deserve this, nobody does.
Ethan: I agree Thomas, but we really should get back to work.
Thomas: Work...right...okay.
Ethan: Ladies you can start your singing again! He's starting to feel down again!
Thomas: what! No! Ethan i-
Thomas: Okay! Okay! I'm all better now! 
Ethan: Ohh how I'll miss these rides with you...
Thomas: Wait? What! You're leaving me? Why!?
Ethan: No silly i mean when I'm really really old and think of retiring.
Thomas: Okay first off Ethan you're my driver, and i love you, and please don't talk about that around this hard time. And secondly aren't you 19?
Ethan: alright you do have some good points. And i love you too you cheeky tank engine.
Thomas: I'm not that cheeky...
Ethan: Shall i remind you of Cameron's 18th birthday party?
Thomas: That was a long time ago and we agreed not to mention it.
Ethan: long time ago when it was literally a year ago...
Thomas: oh shush.

As the day went on Thomas began to feel more and more depressed even though his friends had tried to cheer him up healing from loss can take a very long time. The service day came by really fast, all the engines were washed down while the others were preparing for the special service for Edward and Henry. The service was held at tidmouth. There chairs set up for the people that were coming and pictures of Edward and Henry were hanging above and inside the sheds. There was a podium and microphone set for the humans that were going to speak.
As for James and Thomas they were going to be outside of the turntable and on the tracks and when it was one of their turns to speak they'd go onto the turntable and say what they want.
Everyone was dressed in either black or blue and as for the engines they were all washed down.
Ethan: Alright Thomas i got the order of who is speaking down. It is Sir Topham Hatt, Atlantis, Elijah, James, and then You.
Thomas: alright thanks Ethan...
Ethan: Hey, don't worry buddy it'll be alright.
Thomas: I know its just i really miss them.
Ethan: I do to bud, I really do. I'm going to with Sebastian okay you'll be fine?
Thomas: Yeah James is here so I'm good.
The shed got more full of people mourning over both engines. And then the service began.
Sir Topham Hatt gave the eulogy and Elijah & Atlantis had shared how much the engines meant to them and shared some amazing stories about them which made some people cry cause now they're gone. And now it was the engines turn to speak.
James: Hello everyone my is James and I've known both of these engines for many years and i have somethings to say about them. First off I'd like to start with Edward. Hes helped me when i was new to the island, despite my rudeness towards him he's always been there to help me like the time when my brakes failed and i couldn't stop he helped me selflessly and that was a good thing about him he was always kind even if others weren't kind to him. Secondly, Henry he's helped me through many things as well and even though we didn't see things eye to eye he's always been a friend to me and has taught me somethings about the flying kipper he was very strong and brave and was always helpful. I love them both and i will miss them a lot. Thank you.
Everyone was teary eyed and now it was Thomas' turn to speak.
Thomas: Hello guys my name is Thomas I have also know both engines for many years. They were actually here before i got here and when i arrived Edward helped me a lot, taught me about coaches and trucks, taught me about goods trains and how to control troublesome trucks, and so much more. Henry taught me that its okay to be afraid and that no matter what you should always be yourself. I have so many amazing stories about the both of them like the time when Edward helped Gordon and the time when Henry was rebuilding the forest. If i were tell you how much i love them we'd be here forever, but a short way of how i can express it is that they were my brothers they might not have been the same type of engine as me but i still consider them that. Thank you.

After that everyone starting talking to each other telling one another their favorite Edward and Henry stories.
Ethan: Hey Thomas you did good up there.
Thomas: Thanks bud.
Ethan: what's your favorite story?
Thomas: Hmmm has to be the time when Henry thought engines could get chickenpox.
Ethan: Yeah it was cute how he thought engines could get human sicknesses.

After that everyone was telling stories until the service was officially over. And for the rest of the night all the engines had Edward and Henry in their hearts and thoughts.

Heh that's it for the 4 part stories this will be the only one up but yeah <3 and another thing Edward and Henry will be alive in the other stories sorry for killing them off that's all for now bye <333

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