"Miraculous Ladybug!" Tossing the hook into the air, I walked over to check on the woman. She groaned and said, "What happened? Why am I here?" I kneeled down beside her and smiled, then replied, "You were akumatized into Croupier. But everything's alright now. You're safe." The woman smiled at me and said, "Thanks Ladybug. By the way, do-Ladybug! The akuma!" I whirled around, only to see the akuma flying away. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I quickly captured the akuma, purifying it, then released it. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. That could've been disastrous. 

Chat Noir helped the woman to her feet. After thanking us, the woman walked off, hopefully not to another casino. "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Chat Noir and I whipped our heads in the direction of the voice. Alyssa was sitting there filming everything! I didn't even notice her! I walked over to her and said, "You shouldn't be here. It's way too dangerous." Chat Noir nodded in agreement. There was something else in his eyes, but I couldn't place it. It looked like worry or concern. That must just be for another civilian. He couldn't possibly know her.

Can he?

I pushed the thought away for now. This was no time to be thinking about Chat Noir's secret identity. Alyssa's eyes were bright, shining with curiosity and wonder. She continued filming us and started a torrent of questions. "Who are you in your civilian forms? How old are you? Do you two know each other? Are you two dating? Do you know me?! Oh my god! That would be so cool!"

I opened my mouth to reply when my earrings and Chat Noir's ring beeped. "Sorry. Gotta go!" Chat Noir and I ran away from Alyssa, gaining momentum, until we jumped onto the nearest rooftop. "I need to go Chat Noir. See you next week?" I asked while jumping over a street. "Sure thing M'lady." Chat Noir replied. After that, we went our separate ways. I landed on the roof of the Agreste Mansion and opened a hatch that was right over the living room. I jumped inside just as my transformation wore off.

Mom, Dad, Hugo and Louis were all there, Mom and Dad working, Hugo and Louis playing. Tikki flew into the kitchen to get a cookie, most likely. Mom looked up when I landed and her eyes shone with worry. "Are you alright Emma? There was an akuma attack right?" I nodded and replied, "I'm fine. And yeah. The akuma was Croupier. Apparently she lost a ton of money while playing poker. I almost forgot to capture the akuma at the end though. Luckily that woman reminded me."

Dad nodded and said, "That's good. Come on. Time for dinner." Everyone stood up and headed towards the dining room. Tikki reappeared beside me, munching on a cookie. I smiled tiredly at my family and said, "Um, I'm not hungry. I'll just head to bed." Mom's eyebrows creased with worry and she asked, "Are you sure you're alright Emma?" I nodded and replied, "I'm fine. Just a little tired." 

Tikki and I walked, or floated, in Tikki's case, to my room and I shut the door behind us. I collapsed on the bed and heaved a huge sigh. Tikki floated over to me and said, "Emma, next time there's an akuma, you can't forget to purify it. The woman was observant enough to spot it flying away but next time..." I smiled at Tikki and nodded, then replied, "I know Tikki, I know. I'm just really tired right now."

Tikki nodded and laid down beside me. I could feel my eyelids start to get heavier and heavier. I was so tired, I didn't even bother changing into my pajamas. I was ready to collapse. Closing my eyes, I could feel myself slowly slip into unconsciousness.

Tomorrow is a new day.

And I needed to get all the energy I could get. 

The next day

"Woah girl. You alright? You look tired as hell." Alyssa commented with raised eyebrows. I was tired. Extremely tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I dreamt about what would happen if I let an akuma get away. All hell breaks loose, people screaming in terror, fires everywhere, people blaming me for everything... Yeah. I didn't have a good night's sleep. But I shook it off. That was my first akuma. Gimme a break! I won't forget it next time. 

Book 1: New Revelationsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें