2. Second Encounter ♥️

Start from the beginning

"She doesn't have a sense of care for humanity, I hate her." Haneefah scoffed and I chuckled.

Am so tired, today's class was So boring that I didn't even understand what she taught. Some lectures are really talented in making you feel like going to school is a total waste of time. Believe me Mrs Fatima is one of them. 

As usual Mrs Fatima collected an I.D card from a student promising him that she is going to make sure he resit, repeat and get withrawn from the department because his phone rang in class.

"Urrgh!! are you sure that lady is really human?"
Haneefah asked, clearly irritated.

"you can go ask her" I replied and she smacked my arm, receiving a playful glare from me. 

"Can we start going now?" I asked.

Actually, I have been trying not to show how happy, anxious and nervous I am throughout the class.

" Yes but we have to pray Asr first" she  replied. 

"yeah" I said.

We prayed at the central mosque and headed outside. we boarded a tricycle and she said "7th Street shagari quarters and we are paying #250"

"ok May we reach there safely" the middle aged man said.

"Ikhlas! Ikhlas!! Ikhlasss!!!"

"Yes!!!" I jumped at the voice that brought me out of my Anxiety - induced daze. 

"What are you thinking about? I have been calling your name and your mind isn't even here" she said with a concern look.

"Nothing to worry about I am fine" I assure her with a faint smile.

"And you want me to believe that? Tell me what you are thinking about" she deadpanned. Seems like my tricks aren't working today. 

I kept quiet for what seemed like eternity to her before saying 
"Hanny do you think he is going to ignore me today too?" 

She sighed.

"Truth to be told I think he is going to ignore you again. but this time around you try greeting him first. he will definitely answer he is not arrogant, he is just an introvert" she said, carefully placing her hands on my shoulder. 

"Ohh Allah! my lungs feel empty and devoid of air, I can't breathe.
I think am having a panic attack" I said.

She then asked the Keke man to slow down she told me to calm down and take deep breaths. I did as she instructed and I Surprisingly I was starting to feel better.

We arrived at the house and Haneefah called humaira to come take us in. 
Fortunately for us Ummah went to a wedding ceremony. So I don't have to deal with her snarky and insulting remarks. 

They served us drinks and snacks before she asked them "ina yaya?(where is big bro)"

" He is in his room" they answered.

We stayed for about 40minutes to try our luck of greeting him. I was a bit disappointed when we were going home because I couldn't see him. So what really is the advantage of coming here? I just wanted to at least lay my eyes on him maybe these weird sensations will subside but here am I still waiting after almost two hours and he still hasn't showed up. As if on cue, he miraculously came out of his room and for the first time his eyes met mine. 

Haneefah greeted him and I greeted him too, he turned and answered us politely "Sannunkku" he said.

I couldn't even hide the happy smile I had. Even though he said only one word and directed it to both of us, I was still contented that he doesn't seem to consider me non-existent anymore. We bade them goodbye and headed back to the Haneefah's.

I spent my night joyfully because he got to hear my voice and I also got to hear his.

Alhamdulillah he is fine and ok, I am relieved now. I said my Azkhar laied down and went to sleep with my Haneef in mind.

Author's Note

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