Introducing Mary

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Mary is young, 19 to be precise and she has her whole life ahead of her.She has long flowing dark hair, a gorgeous pale complexion and entrancing brown eyes. She's on her second year of college studying history and blacksmithing. She was born and raised in Scotland but moved to France for her school work. Her family has always been quite wealthy and she was no exception, she lives in a penthouse in France and wears nothing but the finest clothes. She really sounds like your typical basic rich white girl but she is the opposite. Although her money and good looks could give her easy access to become someone like that she strayed from that path and went down another. A path that led her to be kind, compassionate, generous, intelligent and above all loving. Mary was one of those people that seemed too good to be true. She always spent time down at the local community centre, helping out in whatever she can. She's donated thousands of pounds over the years to various charities and continued to do so. Her heart was ginormous and she would always see the best in people. Sometimes that led her to get hurt, but that never discouraged her and it probably never will. She had a big crush on someone named Francis when she was six, they met on a holiday to France and have mostly kept in touch until the last year or so when their texts became few and far between. She's had a few boyfriends, and even managed to steal a kiss or two from them but never much more. She's always wanted to save herself until marriage, 'to make it all the more special' she convinced herself. Religion has always been a big part of her life, she is a devoted catholic and has never even had doubts of her beliefs. So overall, Mary is one of the best humans to walk this earth.

just a girl and just a boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora