As I let Kim-unnie lead the way, I noticed someone among the overwhelming crowds, someone familiar, as I further studied the someone, I got pulled by Kim-unnie, who lead us to the train, I looked back, but that someone wasn't in sight anymore.

I then sat on the side, scrolling my newsfeed as I waited for our stop.

After some minutes of scrolling and watching, I decided to sleep for a bit again, since Jet Lag was starting to come over me.

As I was about to sleep, Kim-unnie decided to wake me up as she stood up and took her luggage, quite in a hurry. So I followed her out of the train.

We got down and called for another taxi to direct us to where Cherry's house is.

I then continued to get a bit of rest in the taxi to clear my head from some thoughts.

-Time Skip-

"Tzuyu, we're here." Kim-unnie woke me up as we parked in a two-storied house.

I got out and finally woke myself up as Kim-unnie went on ahead to ring the doorbell.

Cherry greeted us as an instinct came to me to hug her since we hadn't had much time spent together these past few months.

We talked about the things that happened to us in the past few months, Cherry told me that there were new students in their school that were foreigners and were very good-looking, which made me curious about meeting those foreigners.

As we walked towards the living room,  I saw her parents as I bowed and greeted them as Kim-unnie followed after me.

They told us about the things that we needed to know, mainly about the new school that I was going to because there are some terms and regulations that I need to follow, another one is that I'll be entering the school tomorrow, So Kim-unnie told me to go to sleep when we finish managing our things.

They also told us that they'll be leaving first thing tomorrow because we're already here, it saddened me a bit since Cherry was already going away after we just met again.

Cherry and I then went to her room, so at least we could catch up a bit with each other, and at the same time, I could fix my stuff.

And after a few minutes of chatting, playing, and at the same time managing my stuff (barely).

Cherry proposed that we sleep together since we had done it a few times, so I agreed since the bed was big enough for the two of us.

We continued chatting about stuff until I heard Cherry's short snore which made me giggle as I followed her to dreamland.


Jihyo's PoV

"Hello." I greeted the newcomers who returned it.

"I'm Jihyo Park, nice meeting you three." She said as she lent her hand to the three.

"I'm Momo Hirai, nice to meet you too." Momo shook Jih's hand.

"I'm Sana Minatozaki, nice to meet you." Sana did the same as Momo.

"I'm Mina Myoui, nice meeting you," Mina repeated what the other two did.

Nayeon then introduced herself, as the three just did what they did with me.

We chatted about the school and how it works, mostly I answered their questions since Nayeon was busy copying what the teacher was writing on the board.

"Ohh. So you're the class president." Sana said while the other two oohs at me.

"Yeah. It's kind of hard since I need to take care of the whole class, but Nayeon helps me out."

Lost In Our Past. (JiTzu Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now