Even If I'm Not Here To Stay I Still Want Your Heart

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The images of her smiling face flashed in front of his eyes and the sound of her voice echoed in his ears— her words changing from sweet nothings to bitter comments.

"You are no hero."
"You disappointed me."
"How could you not save me?"
"You failed me, Cat Noir."
"I hate you!"

He tried to cover his ears with his hands, trying to get that voice out of his head. He closed his eyes only to see blood pooling out of Marinette's body. He tried to stop it. He wriggled around the floor but all in vain. It didn't stop. The pain never stopped. It was as if his soul was being ripped from his body. Since when did breathing become so hard?

Stop it, stop it, stop it. Please, stop it!

"STOP IT!" He yelled at the top of his voice.

"I love you, Princess. I'm so sorry." He sobbed.

The pain was too much and suddenly the room disappeared. It was all blur around him and the darkness was suffocating. A voice in his head was constantly nagging him to kill himself. Death sounded so sweet at that moment. He could at least meet her again.

"Adrien, look at me!" Plagg tried to gain the boy's attention who was having a panic attack.

But he couldn't hear his kwami anymore. He was in a dark room, watching helplessly as Marinette died in his arms. His nails dug in his arms and left crescent bloody marks all over them.

"Kid, snap out of it!"

"You can't leave me here! You said that you'd always be there for me. You can't die!" Green eyes focused on something Plagg couldn't see. The boy rocked back and forth, "Come back, come back, come back..."

"Take me with you!" He didn't realise that he was screaming hoarsely. His voice was scratchy and raw from all the screaming. "I don't wanna live without you..." He whimpered.

"Adrien, what's this? How does it feel like?" Plagg commanded, shoving a very familiar blue scarf in the blonde's hands.

Adrien's hazy eyes wore a confused expression. "S-sof- soft." He muttered.

"Yeah, good!" The kwami encouraged. "What material it is?"


"What colour it is?"



Adrien's eyes started to focus, "Bl-blue."

"Oh, thank god!" Plagg heaved a sigh of relief.  "Kid, breathe with me. In and out, in and out."

With his kwami's help, Adrien was able to regain control over his breathing and calmed down. But he still was very upset. "Plagg," he sniffed, "Marinette- she..."

"Adrien, please, don't cry. We still don't know for sure that she is dead. I mean there is still a chance. It isn't the end of the world." Plagg tried his best to console the grief-stricken boy. He was worried about Marinette and as he knew her secret, he was worried about Tikki too.

"B- But what i- i-if she is? Th-Then it w-would b-be the en -end o-of m-my world." He hiccuped.

Plagg felt useless and miserable. He had never been good at sweet-talk. Then an idea came into his mind. He flew to the mini-fridge where Adrien kept the chocolates Marinette gave him.

"Alright kid, why don't we... Why don't we cheer you up? Here, ha-have some chocolates." He stuttered nervously as he tried to lighten his mood.

Adrien eyed the box in his kwami's paws.

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