34: Trial's End

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"How have your classmates been treating you since you've been hospitalized?"

"They all wrote me cards and put together a basket filled with gifts for me. I've been texting and calling with one of my friends, Kirishima, but the police told me I wasn't allowed to give my number to anyone else and they won't let me talk to the rest of my friends so I don't know much else."

"What do you want to do now?"


"Let me try rewording the question. How do you want your life to continue?"

"Oh, um, I want to go back to UA. I want to be a hero, and be with my friends."

"No further questions, your honour."

I watched as the man went to sit down before glancing back over to Nezu, All Might and Aizawa. They still looked upset, but they seemed a bit happier than before. I still didn't really understand what was going on, but Nobuko was trying her best to explain everything to me and being really nice so I wanted to try and do this right.

"Mr. Handa, do you wish to perform a cross-examination?"

"Yes, your honour."

The man who'd glared at me stood up and swiftly approached. I didn't really get why everyone was always getting up and coming to the front to ask some questions and then sit back down. And why did I have to sit up here? Wouldn't this be so much easier if everyone just stayed in one place?

"Izumi, have you seen your mother since you were rescued by All Might the first time?"

"No," I averted my gaze with a frown.

"Could you describe your mother and what it was like living with her?"

"My mom was really nice to me. She used to tell me stories about the outside world and show me photo albums of her family. We'd bathe together and she'd play with me in the water. And when it was cold, she'd light a fire and we'd cuddle with a blanket on the couch while she petted my head. When my father first showed up, she tried to protect me from him. She tried to tell me that my father was bad and that I couldn't trust him but I didn't believe her. She was right though..."

"Would you go back to live with your mother again if you had the choice?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head. "I miss her a lot."

"I'm sure she misses you too. I also wanted to ask about some of the faculty members at UA. I know that Mr. Aizawa and you got along well. Was it like that from the start?"

I stopped for a moment and glanced towards Mr. Aizawa. He was staring at me with a blank expression. I turned back and opened my mouth to answer but the man spoke before I could, "Remember. It's really important that you tell the truth."

"Mr. Aizawa thought that I was a danger to the other students. He would tell me that I shouldn't be there sometimes, but he never says stuff like that anymore."

"And were any of the other faculty members mean to you?"

"Um, yes."

"Could you tell me about them, and how they treated you?"

"His name is Snipe. When I was living with him, he locked me in a dark room and wouldn't let me out. He threatened me a couple times, and he pointed one of his guns to my head once."

The man looked shocked at my words and it was a couple seconds before he continued, "Could you tell us about any contact you've had with the League of Villains if there was any?"

"During the USJ attack, Shigaraki held me hostage so he could talk to me. He said that he knew my father, and told me to call him Nii-san. He told me to gather information on the students and staff at UA. I said I would, and I did, but I never gave him any information."

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