[20] Our Family

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Trying not to squirm as much, Jennie opted to meet Alicia's gaze since her smiling face, that's unbelievably stunning for someone her age, looked more welcoming than the rest of the group even if her eyes watched her with veiled puzzlement.

While the little girl, Stella, padded away to sit next to Adam, Jennie fervently wished for Patrick to appear from the door and dispel the uncomfortable silence that has been looming over them with his outrageous remarks. But that wish is as impossible as her husband finishing the call soon. She has to fend for herself.

And she has to say something—that much she knew—they were expecting her to talk first that's why they are keeping silent and amusing themselves by staring at her.

What will she say? The introductions were made by Lisa when they arrived a few minutes ago. She's a bundle of nerves and if this keeps up, she's certain she will swoon or worse, throw up in front of them.

Definitely not a pretty sight and not one to gain a good impression from the people considered family by Lisa . . . which technically is her family too.

As if the older woman sensed her uncertainty, Alicia softly cleared her throat and spoke pleasantly, "You look even more beautiful than the last I saw you, Jennie."

Jennie blushed instantly at the compliment but a grateful smile showed on her face for the thoughtful gesture of her mother-in-law. "T-thank you, Mrs. Manoban." She stammered after swallowing past the lump in her throat. Then she realized that if she just ended it at that, the uneasy silence beforehand will settle on them again. Keeping a smile plastered to her face, Jennie thought of something witty to say and in her mental frenzy she said the only thought that popped to mind. "There are eight of you."

The blond girl, Chloe, seated on the armrest of the couch gawked at the comment before she erupted in giggles which earned her a censorious glance from his parents.

Inwardly groaning and mentally strangling her herself for the stupid comment, Jennie bit her lip and lowered her gaze. Great! Now they know I can count. The ground should open and swallow her whole! That would be easier for all, her especially.

But Chloe stood from the armrest, strode over to one of the single couch chairs closest to Jennie and amended, "Sorry."

"No. I'm sorry. That was a pretty lame of me," Jennie said, dismissing the young girl's apology with a shy smile. "I—this is my first time—" She nervously played with her hands trying to think of an appropriate word to explain her quailing emotions. "To meet, uhh—I think I should just have said something about the weather."

Chloe grinned. "Oh yeah, definitely. According to the guide book, the weather is always a good topic to start with."

"What guide book?" It was Marco who spoke next, asking the question Jennie was about to say. He threw a skeptical glance at the girl who was his niece.

She gave him a disbelieving look as if such guidebook is a matter of common knowledge and those who aren't familiar with it are considered dim-witted. "Guide Book for In-laws First Time to Meet the Parents and Other Relatives—that guidebook."

The room burst in unexpected laughter. And one way or another, it cleared the awkward air in the room including most of Jennie's edginess. Lisa also came back into the room when the laughs were already subsiding, sitting herself next to Jennie and lacing their fingers again. "What's so funny?" She asked.

"Nothing you'd be interested in," Nate answered with a chuckle. "But I think we scared Jennie by coming here in numbers."

"Oh god, yes!" Jennie admitted on a nervous breath, her hands flying over her beating heart to which all of them found as another good source for laughter. Unbeknownst to Jennie, her unaffected candor just won over the family's appreciation for her.

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