just a little cliché | nishinoya yuu x f!reader

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noya's head-over-heels for kiyoko.

and you're head-over-heels for him.

"ah, she's so beautiful," nishinoya sighed dreamily, slinging his backpack over his shoulder while standing next to his childhood friend, (y/n). "kiyoko?" she asked aloud, as if noya's answer would ever change. (y/n) wanted to slap herself for even speaking her name.

and so, with the small contribution that (y/n) put into the "conversation", nishinoya began to rattle off all of the impeccable qualities that made shimizu kiyoko during their trek from volleyball practice to home.

and so, for the umpteenth time, (y/n) ignored nishinoya. but it wasn't like (y/n) would tell him upright that she ignored her best friend every time he started rambling about his senpai. in fact, (y/n) would be uber supportive of noya's crush—

if she herself didn't have feelings for the second year.

and (y/n) didn't want to sound spiteful nor jealous (despite that she, quite obviously, was both of those things), but she didn't understand.

she didn't understand why nishinoya refused to love her. ever since middle school, (y/n) had taken it upon herself to make him lunches, to make sure she'd attend as many games of his as possible, to make sure that no matter what, she was available to him for whatever he needed— hell, weeks in the summer were spent with continuous sleepovers, and both noya and (y/n)'s parents began welcoming each other's kids for random occasions.

but even so, it never worked.

and (y/n) had spent so many sleepless nights over the spike-haired libero, crying and consulting with herself, near begging herself to get. over. the. stupid. crush.

but it wasn't just a crush.

(l/n) (y/n) was 1000% committed and willing to say that she loved nishinoya yuu, despite his disinterest in her.

"yah, (n/n)-chan," yuu questioned, snapping his fingers in front of her face. "were you even listening?"

between that, and hearing noya emit the laugh that (y/n) had fallen in love with for years, she was torn from her deep statement of overthinking. "ah, i'm sorry yuu! i zoned off, but tell me about kiyoko!" she said with an enthused tone, even going as far as to playfully bump the second-year's shoulder and giggle.

it was just a little cliché, yeah. a stereotypical story that (y/n) was damn-near positive only happen teen-dramas and rom-coms. but alas, the saga continues. and noya went back to rambling about kiyoko, while (y/n) did her best to listen this time.

a little angst for the soul, yeah?

lmao i can't even cap i got so passionate writing this but uh, yeah! this was really relaxing to write! please enjoy!!

thanks for reading <3

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game tactic | haikyuu x reader!! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora