Playing a game

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"Liana!" My name got shouted as someone passed the ball to me

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Liana!" My name got shouted as someone passed the ball to me.
"That's a stupid idea" I shouted whilst running to get it. I dribbled it a little, not amazingly, and passed it to Cory who wanted to score. Then we won 1 point and I jumped up and down in excitement.
"Woah you're pretty talented," Cory said grinning.
"Perks of having parents that are both P.E teachers" I laughed whilst picking my bottle of water up.
"You are very different to the girls round ere" Cory said looking at me.
"And why's that?" I asked.
"You are actually pretty" he laughed.
"Woah that's mean" I awkwardly laughed.
"Yeah but all the girls here wear loads of makeup and it's just not attractive," he said as we walked away.
"You are so mean," I laughed hitting his arm.
"I'm honest" he said back.
"Liana!" My dad shouted getting my attention, "get these balls."
"What the actual balls or the boys" I smirked as everyone laughed.
"Just get these and put them in my office," my dad said getting a little annoyed. I walked back over to him as everyone carried on walking including my dad.

I grabbed the bag and put it over my shoulder and walked off. I walked through the boys changing room getting a bunch get outs and yelling when Cory stood in front of me with his top off and said, "you shouldn't be in here"
I didn't know how to answer as he laughed and said, "like what ya see." I laughed and walked into my dads office.
"Sorry lee , I forgot how annoying boys are" my dad laughed.
"Don't worry it was pretty fun," I laughed back.
"Your stepmom was wondering if you could go to one of your lessons" he said looking down at the floor.
"Daddddd" I kind of shouted as I saw a bunch of boys look on and laugh.
"Just go to Mandy's office now and find out where are going," my dad said seeing that I was annoyed.
"I don't know where her bloody office is" I said looking at my dad.
"Fineee," my dad said standing up and opening his door, "who knows where Miss Carter's office is?"
Cory put his hand up straight away along with a couple other people.
"Cory take liana to her office," my dad said oblivious to who he picked. I rolled my eyes a little bit as I knew all he was gunna do was try and flirt with me. I was bored and didn't want to deal with it but now I had to.
"Come on then," he said trying to do up his tie.
"Do you need any help?" I laughed
"Please"he said giving up. I done his tie up and we walked out of the room.
"So why are you going to miss carters room," Cory asked.
"She's my stepmom" I laughed as he looked a little confused, "I have to go to period 5."
"Ooooh" he laughed.
"I saw on the register it said your last name was wilson" I said to him.
"Yeah why?" He asked looking confused.
"Your brothers in my dads registration group," I said.
"What has he done now?" He laughed.
"Honestly" I laughed.
"Your dad said he was bein a bit racist" he said as I nodded seeing the anger in his eyes.
"Someone said that they bet you will have me" I laughed.
"Really?" He asked laughing.
"Yup!" I laughed back.
"Corse they did," he laughed.

Now cory was taking me to my lesson, luckily he was in the same class. When we got there the bell went and a load of year eights came out. Including my half brother Lucas, he's my mums son that I never really liked. He gave me a dirty look and barged past me. Cory looked confused so I explained the situation to him. I then handed my teacher the note Mandy told me to give her and she said stand at the back so she could give us seats.

Once we were all seated. Surprise surprise, I was sat next to Cory. He had a huge smirk on his face and I just rolled my eyes the other captain of the football team was also on our table, I found out his name was riz. The teacher gave out our books for us to write out our names and stuff.
"So how long are you staying at school if your dad works here?" Cory asked.
"I'm walking home," I said still looking at my biology work.
"I'll walk ya" he said looking at his work.
"What so you can 'ave me" I laughed as did he.
"Maybe" he smirked as I elbowed him, "ow that was unnecessary." I laughed a lot throughout that lesson, I had a great time.

It was now the end of the day and missy had already left, so I just met Cory out the gates so my dad didn't think anythin weird. Knowing my dad, he would quickly skip to conclusions.
"So miss bell end," he started.
"What," I laughed really hard, "that's amazing!"
"What are you doing at school?" He said after we finished laughing.
"Biology, English and business," I said recovering from my laughing fit.
"Well I don't do business, but I also do English as well as biology," he said. After a load of random convocations, we got to my house.
"Wow you got a nice gaff" he said.
"Thanks, I'd offer for you to come in but if my dad knew I let someone in the house, I might be murdered," I laughed as did he.
"Alright then bye," he said, "do not even get a hug." I then hugged as he hugged back.
"Alright see ya" I smiled opening my door.
"Wait, what ya number," he asked making me laugh. I then gave him my number and went into my house. Am I falling for him?

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