First day

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"Liana get up nowwww!" My dad shouted as I lifted my head

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"Liana get up nowwww!" My dad shouted as I lifted my head. I made a grunted noice and got out of bed. Today I  was starting a new school in a new city with a load of new people. I lived in ackley until I was about 9 and then my moved us to birmingham. Now I'm 16 and starting sixth form. My mum now only looks after my baby brother and sacked me off with my dad. I'm fine with it tho, I get along better with my dad anyway and he has a nicer house.

"Liana I've put a towel in the bathroom, so have a shower and get ready," Mandy (my stepmom) said through the door.
"Ok thank you" I said back to her. In my last school I was pretty popular and was quite the 'bad girl' I don't know how I'm gunna be here tho. Luckily I have a friend here called missy but she has to retake year 11.  Great!
Today I managed to get my dad and stepmom to let me no actually go school, what I am doing is just helping my dad out. My dad said it would be good having and extra hand with stuff and my stepmom just said 'only for today.'

I had a shower (not washing my hair) and put the towel around me going out my room. I curled my hair and done a minimal amount of makeup on. I then got dressed into

I put my two rings on and then put a hair band on my wrist and went down stairs

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I put my two rings on and then put a hair band on my wrist and went down stairs.

"You look nice," my stepmom said giving me some toast and a bottle of water to put in my bag.
"Thanks, you look smart," I said back to Mandy.
"Good, I'm so nervous," she said pacing around the kitchen.
"You're gunna be fine don't worry" I said back to her.
"Omg what is going on," my dad said walking into the room making me and Mandy look at him, "my daughter is actually walking a little bit of sense."
"Oh ha ha you are so funny" I sarcastically said back to my dad.
"Lee promise you'll actually be good today," my dad said looking at me.
"What?" I said pretending to be offended. Before I could say anything Mandy shouted for us to leave.

We got to the school very early, earlier than everyone. I was pretty happy as it meant I didn't have to deal with loads of people staring at me. We walked through to my dads office and I put my bag in one of his cabinets. I grabbed my phone and messaged missy and said
Liana: I'm at school now xxx
She then quickly said back
Missy: I'm getting changed gotta huge hangover xxx
This made me laugh and think to myself, 'only missy booth would be hanging on her first day of school.'

My dad was now in his office on his computer replying to loads of emails when he said he had to go to his registration group. We walked through pretty much the whole school to get there. It was really awkward as all eyes were on me. Some people were wolf whistling, some were just grinning. Once I saw were my dads registration group was, I went off to find missy. I was walking down a bunch of stairs on my phone when I heard someone at the bottom say "Oi"
I looked down to see a really good looking guy laughing around with his mates. I couldn't be arsed to be part of a stupid joke.
"You look way to young to be a teacher" he said as everyone looked at me.
"Well noted" I said walking past him, it was probably rude but I was tiered. His mates were all laughing saying he'd been rejected and he'd been lied. I just ignored them and carried on walking to find missy. I then saw her and gave her a huge hug as she said "I've missed you so so so muchhh"
"I missed you to," I said back. We then walked around the school gossiping a bit when the bell went. I then went back into my dads class, this time there was a bunch of people in the room looking at me in confusion.
"Guys this is my daughter liana she is starting year 12 tomorrow" my dad introduced.
"Yess" someone shouted.
"Remember she's my daughter," my dad laughed.
"I bet Jordan's brother will have her" someone said as the kid I'm guessing is Jordan gave him a death stare.
"Don't say that in front of my dad," I laughed as my dad gave me a weird look, "I'm kidding." Everyone started laughing including my dad when someone said year 11,12 and 13 have assembly in the main hall. I followed my dad and sat next to him and pulled out my phone.
"Put that away now!" My dad said whilst everyone was still sitting down. Then that Jordan kid sat next to me, I didn't really care or anything but I think my dad did. Even though my dad told me to put my phone away I was still on it going through Instagram. I then saw my best friend from Birmingham Angelica posted a picture of us saying how much she missed me. The post was like

This made me miss home a bit but I just carried on as I didn't want to get upset

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This made me miss home a bit but I just carried on as I didn't want to get upset.

~skip to the last lesson she had to help out with~
"Lee I'm now teaching year 12's, I know they're boys but you may as well meet a couple of people today," my dad said to me.
I then grabbed my coat and put my phone in it and walked outside with my dad and mr Simpson.

"Woah sir who's this?" One of the boys asked.
"Oh my god it's the girl that rejected Cory," someone also laughed. I then saw him turn around and yeah he was even better looking than I remembered.
"She didn't reject me," he said elbowing his mate.
"Let me guess? You spoke to her and she walked straight past you," my dad guessed accurately.
"How do you know her so well" Cory asked.
"She's my daughter," my dad laughed as all the boys looked a little shocked.
"I know I look nothin like him and am from Birmingham," I laughed.
"Oh my god liana bell, you went to my primary school," some kid said as I nodded.
"I must have" I laughed.
"Anyway let's play football, who were the captains at their last school?" My dad asked.
Cory stood forward and so did another boy as they picked their teams. One was full of white kids and the other one was full of Pakistanis.
"Liana join this boys team as they need one more person," my dad said pointing at Cory's team.
"Dad I like watching boys play football, cus it's fit. But I don't play it myself," I said hugging whilst putting my hair up.
"You think it's fit boys playing football," a boy on my team asked.
"Uniforms, mud,sweat= sexy" I laughed.
"Liana get on with it," my dad said rolling his eyes.
"By the way, I'm not amazing at football. I'm more a netball kind of girl" I said getting ready.

The new girls ~ackley bridge fanfic~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt