Chapter 4: 1 year later

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1 year later

Nicole and Samantha saw a group of kids playing Ouiji board.

A girl named Yaylany, read the note out aloud.

A boy named Jacob said, " That is for little kids, don't believe it, if you do then your a little kid."

Nicole and Samantha got pissed of and shacked their house.

It started to rain and Yaylany was whimpering.

They joked around.

Nicole and Samantha got pissed off.

They said thru the ouiji board:

Jacob ignored the saying.

When they went to sleep, Nicole and Samantha went up to the kids.

They entered their dreams and tried to kill them.

The only person that survived was Jacob.

When he woke up, he went down stairs and told Yaylany's mother.

She didn't believe him and she went up to her room.

Yaylany was on her bed and the other kids were sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor.

Yaylany's mother called the ambulance and when they came they checked the kids pulse.

The ambulance took the kids to the emergence room.

They didn't live so Yaylany's mom buried them in the cemetery.

The kids, Nicole and Samantha all joined together and haunt every kid that played ouiji.

Be careful what you say.

2 girls that died last year.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin