Congratulations Mr. Stark, you're a father

Start from the beginning

It might have been childish considering they were hundreds of feet in the air traveling at who knows how many miles an hour, but he felt safe with the Avenger, the man he'd looked up to since he was just a little boy. And, not just because Tony was a superhero or a billionaire or a genius, but because he stood up for what was right despite the challenges he faced or the backlash he got in return. Because under the metal suit of armor, he was just a man who never let that stop him.

As he touched down on the landing pad Peter's eyes fluttered shut. The suit had barely disassembled from his body before he tore off through the tower. FRIDAY - bless her intuitiveness - had notified Bruce and Helen only seconds after the SSC alarm alerted them Peter was in danger.

"Boss, Dr. Banner, and Dr. Cho are set up and ready in the medical wing. They would like you to bring Peter to his room." FRIDAY informed her creator as the elevator descended.

"Thanks, FRI," Tony didn't take his eyes off Peter, one hand cradling his head like you would a baby's, "tell 'em we'll be down in a few seconds."

The elevator opened up in the medical wing, an entire floor dedicated to being a hospital space. Hero work was dangerous, and more often than not, someone got hurt. Whether it was fixing a broken bone, needing stitches, or just grabbing an ice pack, it was comforting to have the supplies and equipment needed. Not to mention doctors who were very qualified and knew exactly what to do.

Bruce was waiting for them with a gurney and a team of nurses. Despite knowing Peter would be safe and well taken care of, Tony was reluctant to let go of the child in his arms.

"We'll take care of him, Tony. Don't worry." Bruce prompted, gently transferring Peter from Tony's arms to the gurney that was immediately whisked away. "You can wait outside of his room, and I'll keep you updated on his condition." He squeezed his friend's shoulder in reassurance before dashing off to help Helen.

After a few minutes of just standing there, staring off at the wall, Tony made his way to the waiting area just outside of Peter's room. He collapsed onto one of the chairs since his trembling legs threatened to give out on him at any second.

He hated that Peter had his own personal room in the med bay. The kid was incredibly skilled when it came to being Spider-Man, but he was so loyal and selfless that he often got hurt protecting the team or civilians. He would willingly give himself to save others, which made Tony so proud but also hurt him so much.

Peter's metabolism doesn't allow any sedatives or pain meds to work, so he's had to go through stitches, bone setting, and removing bullets or, in cases of him being stabbed, knives with nothing to ease the pain. It destroyed everyone so much to hear him crying or begging for them to stop hurting him.

Helen, Shuri, and Bruce were working to make a sedative for him. Even if it didn't last long, it would be better than nothing.

But, on the other hand, he was grateful a room was dedicated just to him. It provided privacy and was more comfortable than the standard hospital room. Peter's bed, for instance, was larger than the average hospital bed because when he's tired or in pain, Peter becomes an octopus in his search for comfort. He will latch onto one of his teammates - usually Tony - and won't let go. His spider instincts kick in, and he uses his sticking powers so the human turned teddy bear quite literally can't get him off. It was super cute if he was honest. The team thought so too, though few of them admitted it, and Sam often teased him for it.

"Tony," Clint called as he and Natasha sprinted down the hallway to join the billionaire, "what happened? FRIDAY said you and Peter were here."

"I... he' s-he's-" Tony stammered incoherently, his thoughts a jumbled mess in his head.

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