"Me?!" Hugo exclaimed in surprise. Dad nodded his head. Hugo shook his head and replied, "No thanks Dad. I'm not that kind of guy. I don't think I'll be a good Chat Noir." Dad nodded and said, "That was exactly the kind of answer that I had expected from you, Hugo, so I chose a backup Chat Noir." "Who is it?" I asked, curious. I couldn't help myself. Dad smiled mysteriously and put his finger to his lips. He said, "I'm not telling."

I groaned in frustration, to Mom, Dad, Tikki and Plagg's amusement. I sighed in frustration and walked out of the living room, calling over my shoulder, "Good night people! If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room!" I climbed the stairs and entered my room, closing the door behind me.

I leaned back onto my bed and sighed, spreading my arms out wide. So much has happened in less than 24 hours. I had been reported missing, kidnapped by an akuma, rescued by Ladybug and Chat Noir, hear Ladybug reveal her identity and found out that I would be the next Ladybug. Crazy, right?

Tikki and Plagg soon entered my room and floated in front of me. I propped myself on my elbows and tilted me head to one side, looking at them curiously. I asked them, "What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be with Mom and Dad?"

Plagg shook his head and said, "Nah. Marinette and Adrien want to talk about something in private. Hugo and Louis are already in their rooms, by the way. Marinette wanted us to accompany you, seeing as this would be one of my last few nights here and Tikki would be your kwami soon." Tikki nodded in agreement.

"Oh." I replied, then said while yawning, "Sorry guys. I don't think I'll be very good company tonight. I'm sleepy. Good night." With that, I laid back down and crashed.

Tikki's POV

I smiled down at Emma's sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful. I pulled the blanket up to her chin while Plagg turned off the lights. We laid down on Emma's pillow and got comfortable for the night.

After a moment of silence, Plagg said, "Hey Tikki. Do you think Emma will be ok? I mean, not that I think that Emma isn't capable of being Ladybug, because she is. Just... being Ladybug is tough. There are a lot of responsibilities. You know what happened to other Ladybugs who... you know..."

I did, in fact, know. Not everyone was cut out to be Ladybug. There were a considerable amount of Ladybugs who couldn't handle the pressure and... didn't make it. I didn't like talking about it.

I turned to face Plagg and said, "I'm sure Emma will be alright. Like Marinette, she's a strong girl. I believe in her. I would be more worried about your new Chat Noir, if I were you." Plagg smiled and nodded, then turned over and quickly fell asleep.

At least... I hope she can...

Marinette's POV

"Come on Adrien! Just tell me!" I begged Adrien once we were alone in our bedroom. Emma, Hugo and Louis had headed off to bed. And I had asked Tikki and Plagg to accompany Emma for a while. So we were all alone.

Adrien just chuckled and shook his head. I groaned in frustration, but it only made Adrien laugh even harder. I swatted Adrien on the arm and said, "Come on! Who is the new Chat Noir going to be?"

Adrien smiled at me, a twinkle in his eyes. He said mischievously, "Nope. No can do Princess. You know that we have to keep Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities secret." I sighed in exasperation and replied, "But we already know who Ladybug is gonna be. Why can't I know who he is?"

Adrien smirked and said, "Fine Princess. I'll tell you. But first..." He raised his eyebrows suggestively. I blushed a deep red. I knew exactly what he was talking about. God. Why me?! I steeled my nerves and smiled back at Adrien.

Lifting my head up to his, I captured his lips in a passionate kiss. I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss while it lasted. I wrapped my arms around his neck while Adrien put his arms around my waist, hugging me close and deepening the kiss.

After a while, we pulled away. Adrien chuckled at my red face and said, "No need to be embarrassed Princess. I'll tell you who Chat Noir will be." He leaned close and whispered the name in my ear. My eyes widened in shock and anticipation filled me. I looked at Adrien and saw the same smirk plastered on his face. I chuckled and commented, "This is going to be interesting. Very, very interesting."

Alan's POV

"Good night Alan." Mom said before closing the door, encasing me in darkness. I didn't lie in bed long though. I couldn't sleep, for some reason. I stood up and walked to the window. I stared out at the city lights, glinting brightly, contrasting against the dark night sky. I had a photoshoot tomorrow. I love modelling and everything, but my manager was no joke. He had zero sense of humour. Which made photoshoots a total drag whenever he was there. 

Suddenly, I noticed a small black figure on the roof of a house a few blocks away. Probably someone's cat that escaped. Then, the figure leaped past the roofs of houses and landed on mine.

Woah... That is no cat. No cat could do that.

I backed away from the window and headed back to bed. Until I heard a knock. I whirled around, only to find myself face-to-face with two bright green eyes. I yelped in surprise, then quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

I quickly opened the window and the figure crawled inside my room. It landed on the floor with a soft thud and stretched. I was silent and watched it with surprise and curiosity. Finally, after a while, I had the courage to ask what had been on my mind.

"Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"


A romance story between Emma and Alan. Will it be a happily-ever-after? Or will it end in heartbreak?

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoying Chapter 11 of Book 1: New Revelations. Did you guys expect the new Chat Noir to be Alan? Let me know in the comments section below. 👇👇👇

The other chapters of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and like me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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