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               -Some months later-     
     - Sooooo who's you're new boyfriend~
MTT smirk nearly made choke, along with the question.
- For the LAST TIME he NOT my "Boyfriend"
- Oh?,          friend with benifits~
Greeeaat why cant i control blush, my face feel's like it's burning.
- Shut up, you disable microwave
- SANS! Why cant you two just get along.
Great i just dissapointed Pap for the 100th time... just like i do with everyone else, now i know why everyone hates me
- Sorry i guess
I say avoiding any eye contact, god... why cant i just keep my mouth shut.
- Its ok Brother, just... don't do it again
- I accept the apoligly (i can't spell) buuuuut whos the guy
    Of course he woulde ask that -_-
- he's kinda scary but is actully softy, taller and lowkey deep voice. And for the last time, it's aint gay if you wear socks *fingerguns* But ìn all seriusness sleeping over at his place aint gay lmao
                 *unholy screaming*

                   To be continiued

Someones Bitch  ( kustard )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن