I May Live In a Chair, But I'm More Than That

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Story Line:
Reeva, aged twenty. Was like others but five years ago at age fifteen her life took a drastic turn, she got into a car accident with her mother due to a drunk driver who was speeding at 100mph, resulting them to crash into her and her mum.

Her seat belt came loose, causing her to go flying out the front window. Her mother was badly injured, resulting in her to loose her right arm due to it being badly crushed. As for Reeva, she ended up paralysed from her waist down, doctors telling her that she would never walk again and will be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life.

In those five years Reeva, began picking up a hobby which soon became one of her talents. Guitar was her comfort, a crutch to help her get by soon becoming obsessed with Guitar and music.

Soon, a role for a band guitarist gets announced by famous singer Brendon Urie, who wanted the applicants to apply by recording a video and to email that video to him.

I had quite a hard life, it's not easy when you go from someone who could walk to someone who can't. At school, my friend Christina began to slowly push me away after seeing I was now in a wheel chair. She would no longer say hi to me and whenever I would say hi she just ignored me, she wasn't as friendly to me as before. At lunch time she would see me sitting alone at a table, instead of joining me she takes one look and turned away sitting at another table.

It hurt and left me devastated. Knowing now, she wasn't a true friend but a fake friend. So I cut her loose, unfollowed her on all social medias. From then I made new friends, Chris, Angela and Robin, they were amazing and caring, the true friends I needed and was lucky to have.

They all stuck by me, and supported me. Till this day we're closer than ever.

"Hey Reeva, you should totally apply for that guitarist role because your so talented and I think Brendon Urie would approve of your talents," Chris said as I almost spat out my milk shake. Is he kidding? Why would the so called Brendon Urie want anything to do with me? If he sees me, he'll just turn me away saying that by me being in a wheel chair wouldn't be a great addition.

Brushing my dark curls out my face, "na, I've tried with many jobs, they turn me down because they don't want to hire some one in a wheel chair," I said Angela put her hand on mine saying;

"Reeva, I believe in you. We all believe in you, don't let a wheel chair or anything hold you back." I thought about what she said, "I'm going to do it, I'm going to audition and if that Brendon person turns me down then screw him," I said making them cheer.

"Yay, that's the spirit! Now let's talk about filming," Chris said as Robin added, "and also what song you will be playing, as it's Brendon Urie I think it should be one of his songs like uh...oh! Nicotine." I think I might play a different song to not come across as weird.

A few days later, I began practicing a song which was 'Immortals' by Fall Out Boy. After a week and a half I was able to play it through perfectly and even played it to my mother who thought I was great "oh Reeva, you'll blow him away. I'm so proud of you, good luck." She said then hugs me with her only arm. The right side she had about a quarter of an arm but couldn't move it as much as it hurt.

My friends came over a day later, Chris and Robin set up the camera in my room as Angela began preparing the bed, as I decided I didn't want to be in my wheel chair, so she put lots of pillows, once she was done I pulled myself onto the bed as she moved my wheel chair out the way. Making sure my electrical guitar was plugged in, yeah I decided to use the electrical guitar as I feel like it sounded more like the song.

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