⭐Private Screening Pt.2⭐

Start from the beginning

Brooke's POV

"Another leg cramp?" I asked Daniel as he sat on the bleacher in the locker room. I was planning on asking him about the medicine in his locker but I was hoping that he would fess up first.

"It's nothing. Leo's going to be sorry when I'm finished with him. I'm so tired of-" he started before I quickly blurted out, " Daniel, I saw the medicine in your locker. What's wrong?"

"Maybe you not respecting my privacy" he said angrily.

"I'll start respecting your privacy when you start telling me things" I replied

"I better go" he said as he walked out angrily.


Jackie's POV

"What do you mean you found my file. I deleted everything" I said confused as I walked into the computer lab to find Max.

"There's no file" I said as I walked into to see Max setting up a table.

"Sorry. It was the only that I could get you to come here" he apologized

"Well I figured that you couldn't finish the assignment if you haven't even seen it" he rambled pointing to the TV. This boy can't take a hint.

"I didn't know if you liked buttered or not, so I got you both," he said directing me to sit in the chair while handing me a bowl of popcorn. He set me up with a blanket and pillow.

"You really are something Maxillion Miller" I said at a lost for words.

"Have fun. It's a great movie" He said before closing the door with a smile.


Cassie's POV

I was walking around the kitchen looking at the filth that had become my sink. This would have never happened it mom was around.

"Dad come in here" I yelled up the stairs.

"Dad, how can you live like this?" I said pointing to piles of dirty dishes in the sink

"More importantly how are you letting my brother live like this!" I yelled at him.

"What is this? More evidence for the FBI" I said pointing to the chicken molding in the corner.

"If I had know your were coming, I would have made your brother clean up a little bit" he said in rush back to work.

"Why do I have to let you know when I'm coming back to my own home? More importantly, why does my brother have to clean up your mess?" I asked

"Your right. I should clean up my mess and you don't have to ask to come home. I'm going back to work" he said turning to leave.

"Aren't you even a little curious as to why I left the Greenhouse? Or how your son is doing in school?" I asked following him, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Sure, but I didn't want to bother you and your brother is doing fine" he said going back to leaving.

"Bother me how. By spending some time with me?" I asked

"Are you saying that I don't spend enough time with you?" he asked

"I'm say that you don't spend enough time with anyone. You spend all your time at work trying to figure out mom's death" I explained

Starlight-⭐✨🌟🌠--(A GreenHouse Academy Fanfiction)[Leo CruzxOC]Where stories live. Discover now