O7 - Wakey Wakey

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A/n: I had some other pics
to choose from but I want
TY to have black hair so
I chose these.

Then he went on about the town and the cool stores he saw when he was walking to the festival. He also told them about his worries of starting the new school tomorrow.

They encouraged him that he had nothing to worry about and said he should do his best and just be himself, people would automatically come to him.

After they finished chatting he finally went to the bathroom to get ready. Once he was dressed he told his mom he was heading out and started to walk, not knowing where he was going but to find whatever he could.

On his walk he greeted his neighbours and found that everyone was pretty friendly. When he wasn't sure of the direction a path would lead to, he stopped passersby nearby to ask.

He was lead to a local music store which he browsed and looked at albums and electronic accessories. He enjoyed places like these since he had an appreciation for music and other artistic things.

Taeyong spent some time walking around to get familiar with what was closest to where he lived until he finally walked back home. The day came to an end and he went to bed early to prepare for the new day ahead.

The next morning, he was awoken to the sound of his alarm. He had made sure to set one the night before because he knew that he can be a little hard to wake up in the morning. He didn't want to be late for his first day of school, since first impressions are lasting.

He got dressed and fixed his hair and grabbed his backpack before he walked down the stairs to greet his mom who was already having her breakfast as she read the newspaper.

"Morning, mom!" He chirped as he sat in front of her and picked the foods he wanted to eat.

"Good morning, dear!" His mom replied in an equally high pitched tone. "Are you excited?" She asked as she peeked over the paper to look at her son.

"Not really but I'm just hoping for the best." He replied.

They finished eating and they set off from their house towards Taeyongs new school. When they arrived he hugged his mother tight and she wished him well, "I'll pick you up later, have a productive day!"

"Okay mom, see you later!" He said as he stood on the staircase at the main entrance.

Taeyong turned around and stared up at the building.

Wow, this is bigger than my old school.

He decided to read the signs to help him find his way up to the school's office. He knocked the door once and opened it after being told to come inside.

"Ah, you're the new student we were expecting!" An old man with a pleasant smile stood up and extended his hand. Taeyong bowed ninety degrees and took his hand to shake it.

"I'll lead you to your homeroom immediately. Follow me." Said the principal, taeyong nodded and quickly trailed behind the man.

They took a few lefts and rights which Taeyong figured he wouldn't remember right away. The principal knocked the door to a classroom and entered afterwards. The teacher turned and saw the two persons approaching and nodded while she  stood up.

It was currently their free period and some were doing work, others chatting and some others had their heads down.

"Attention, class!"

Jaehyun had heard his homeroom teacher shout "Attention class, we have a new student" he didn't pay it any mind because he was so tired. He nearly arrived late again because he overslept and had to wait for his girlfriend to get dressed before arriving to school since he gave her a ride every morning.

Ugh, I just wanna sleep.

He had his head down on his arms with his eyes shut. Since he sat at the back, near the window, he usually goes unnoticed especially when he would put up a book in front of him to pretend he'd be reading when he'd actually be asleep.

"Everyone say hi, this is the new transfer student..." the teacher continued.

Johnny sat beside him. They've been seat mates since kindergarten and have been best friends ever since. Wherever one went the other would be nearby. Their girlfriends were from a different class, which wasn't a bad thing for them.

"This is the new transfer student, Lee Taeyong from Gyeongju."

Jaehyuns body twitched after he heard the name of where the transfer student is from.

It couldn't be...

He raised his head but his eyes were blurred from being closed too long. After they had adjusted, his gaze then fixed on the shorter boy who was at the front of the class bowing ninety degrees before he stood straight once again. Their eyes quickly met.

No way. It's him!

"Ferris wheel guy" jaehyun said which caught Johnnys attention "what, dude?"


Wow a lot happened
I tried not to cram
so much in but I just
wrote the thoughts
that came to mind.
I hope the layout
was easy to follow.

- Love, Krys

Stuck In Place || JaeyongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz