"I said I got it. Stop micromanaging," Damon sneered then sharpened the point of the stake. "I still haven't forgotten what you did to Echo, so do you want one of these in your heart?"

Stefan picked up the stakes that Echo had whittled and showed them to Damon. "See? Her's are perfect." 

Echo scowled at Stefan and yanked her stakes from him. She then turned to her boyfriend — they actually haven't become official yet — and smirked. "Ha! Mine are perfect." She stood up and approached him from behind, wrapped her arms around him. "Do you need some help?" She started kissing his cheek and neck, making him pause his whittling.

Alaric groaned before standing up, shoving his jacket on. "Looks like you guys have got this under control. I'm gonna call the Sheriff." They all turned to look at him in confusion. "I want to turn myself in." 

Echo was quick to stand up and approach him. "No." She crossed her arms and scowled at him. "That's not happening."

"I have a homicidal alter ego. Unlike some people in this room, I would like to take responsibility for the people I've killed," Ric snapped, taking a jab at them.

Echo pursed her lips. "First of all, I have taken responsibility of all the people I've killed or did you not read the books that have pretty much half of my life in them?" She hardened her glare. "Second of all, I've been through this before. My father had the Mark of Cain and he pretty much had a homicidal alter ego. My uncle had no soul at one point. I've had no soul, and I've been possessed which is basically the same thing you're going through right now. You don't have control of your actions." She sighed and ran a hand down her face. "I know that—"

"I killed Caroline's father!" Alaric snapped at her which made her clamp her mouth shut. "I almost killed Meredith, and I did kill you," he told her angrily before letting out a sigh. "Everything has changed now. I cant—"

"I've been killed before." Echo simply let it roll off her shoulders. "You had no control. You didn't even know you were doing it. Trust me, there is a different between you killing me and Stefan killing me." She looked over her shoulder at said vampire, still thinking of ways to make him suffer for what he as done.

"Look, you're not turning yourself in. Bonnie's herbs are working and we have Originals to kill," Stefan ordered sternly with his arms crossed over his chest causing the other three people to look at him in shock and confusion. 

Damon glared at him, and then rolled his icy blue eyes. "His morals get very questionable when he has revenge on the brain." 

"Klaus needs to die," Stefan sneered at him sternly. "We finally have the chance to kill him, so you are not turning yourself in." 

Echo sighed before slipping the Gilbert ring off of her finger. She knew it wasn't going to help her, but Elena had wanted her to wear it, so she did so without fighting back. "Put it on," she told him softly.

The hunter quickly shook his head in denial. "That ring is the reason I've killed people." 

"It's also the reason you're alive," Damon pointed out, "You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it." 

"It's not going to do me any good, anyway," Echo told him before grabbing his hand, and placing it on his palm. "It's all yours."

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