The Hidden Civilization

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             A girl sat up in a tree, she bore long brown messy hair that whistled around her in the wind. A look of intent concentration shown on her face as her green-grey eyes shifted around a building across from her.

           '' Well then Jocelyn, when are you going to come and help prepare for the school infiltration? '' A girl slightly taller than Jocelyn by an inch appeared behind her, forcing her to shift her gaze slightly annoyed. The girl caught wind of her facial expression and she stifled a giggle her black-brown eyes squinted in amusement.

         '' Be more quiet Alessandra, its a possibility they could hear us if they stepped outside '' She said as quiet as the creek that passed under the tree the stood on, her eyes shifted back and forth across the landscape. 

         '' As if they could hear us this far away even as a vampire '' Another girl popped up on a branch to the girls' left, her face adorned with freckles and draped in long brown hair with a fade to an almost blonde. She scoffed slightly at Jocelyn's ticked expression as she opened her mouth.

       '' We don't know how powerful the vampires in this mansion are, why do you think I'm watching them. You guys know better than to underestimate any supernatural force." She fought to keep her voice quiet immediately noticing one of the balconies doors opening out of the corners of her eye. She wasn't alone the other two noticed as well. They all shut up even with the differences in opinion. A young man and a young woman stepped out, the young woman writhed under the male's grasp her slightly curled blonde hair bounced around as she weakly tried to escape. They couldn't hear the words which annoyed them. Green eyes surveyed the scene as the tall red-haired male obsessed over the girl.

    Whoosh. The girl with brown hair, Jocelyn, had swiftly moved from tree to tree to get closer, her instincts told her the scene wasn't normal even with the vampires. Alessandra followed in pursuit, her black ponytailed hair chasing behind her. 

      '' Come on Pancake, I'm thirsty you know? You can't hog all the blood to yourself '' The vampires grabbed the girl's wrist and pushed her against a balcony. Jocelyn flinched the blonde girl brought an odd feeling of recognization, but from where? 

     '' Please Ayato, I'm not feeling good today, please. '' The girl pleaded her pink eyes shimmered on the brink of tears. Jocelyn was so lost in thought she couldn't do anything but Alessandra took charge. She hung from the branch by her legs and grabbed a rock from the ground. The dark-haired girl chucked it in the vampire's direction before swinging back up. Jocelyn snapped out of her mind and looked at the two to see the vampire let go of her, surprised by the rock and the girl ran inside and they hadn't seen her again. The vampire, Ayato, stared in the direction on the rock and the two girls kept their breaths short and silent. He then left with a frown and went back inside.

    '' Phew- '' Alessandra sighed and turned to her friend, '' Glad that was successful. '' But Jocelyn couldn't think only trying to put her finger on who the girl was, with a sigh she gave up and turned to Alessandra.

    '' I suppose- I don't get why the agency decided to leave this task to 17-year-olds like us. '' Jocelyn huffed slightly her mouth shifted to the side. She brushed her raspy messed up hair out of her face. 

    '' Well we are the best of the best in our field, S-rank teen hunters. Also, they needed us to be of age to infiltrate the school as students remember?" Addie finally caught up to them, responding to the last question she heard with true certainty. Jocelyn sighed and nodded, she wasn't exactly excited about going to this new vampire school. She was a bit of a messy person, ruffled hunter attire, messed up hair and tired eyes adorned her as broken decorations. 

     '' Right- we start it tonight don't we. Well, then we should prepare it's roughly 9 p.m. at the current moment. '' Jocelyn frowned and hopped off the tree dashing through the forest to the girls' current camp out. They had set up three small treehouses one for each girl and a small crafting and storage tent. She finally reached the camp-out with the other two not far behind. Jocelyn entered the tent and shuffled through a couple of boxes. She reached out her long-nailed hands and pulled out a black uniform with a red tie. She flinched at how tight it looked, especially with her bust size and slightly above average waist size.

      '' Wow Jocelyn, I never thought you to be the type excited over a school outfit. You're more of a fighting type but ok! '' Alessandra teased, pulled out her small outfit which fit her thin form and she put up a thumbs up. 

     '' Tch, I wasn't excited over it. '' Jocelyn replied as Addie pulled out hers, '' I wonder how your wear-resistant skin powder will work, you need to be pale as a vampire and if that powder comes off- ''

     '' Ah the powder makeup? I already tested it, it works almost like a charm, any makeup wipe will remove it. '' Alessandra grinned proud of herself. '' The organization has the best equipment for the best. Et Je suis le Meilleur. '' 

      '' Will you stop talking in French, it doesn't show anything off, you know. '' Jocelyn scoffed and starting mocking Alessandra's French.

     '' Now now Joss, that's not a nice way to treat your friends. '' Addie grinned in her outfit which she had already put on. She rubbed the fabric and paused. ''Hmm, it's very form-fitting, I much prefer my sweaters and button-up tops provided by the organization but oh well. ''

     '' Just great. '' She frowned and went to her tent quickly taking off her uniform which looked like a less fancy investigators outfit and changed into the new school outfit.  The bright red tie felt like it choked her slightly and she didn't enjoy that. She adjusted it as much as she could and fit on the strangling suit. It felt tight and she didn't like how it hugged all her curves so heavily.

    '' So hows the suit. '' Alessandra popped in with Addie behind her, Jocelyn looked at the two with a face of exasperation and regret.

    '' Just wonderfully - '' The other two girls laugh and the three went out to survey the school before they started there classes or anything at all. Jocelyn pulled out a set of six fake fangs made of soft clay and tougher plastic mix. She handed two to each of them and used a durable edible glue to stick the teeth over hers and passed the glue around. She ran her tongue over the sharp appliance and grinned. She wouldn't admit this but the mission was going to be a great deal of fun and she was highly excited about it. She scratched the scars on her neck caused by organization training small scabs fell off.

    '' A beautiful night huh? '' Addie asked looking up at the stars, Jocelyn hadn't noticed it beforehand to busy by other thoughts but the veiled nature of these vampires' hiding location cause it to be a perfect place for star-gazing.

     '' If it isn't my hunter friends, you enjoying the sky? '' A small ginger girl popped out and grinned her sharp fangs glinted in the reflection of the moon. She was already wearing the uniform and adjusted the glasses on her face. She was as pale as the moon itself but she looked like a complete cinnamon roll.

      '' Hmm? Giana, hello you came early '' Jocelyn replied with a slight smile getting into the mood.

      '' Seems you are too eh? '' The ginger giggled and held out a hand, '' Good luck on your mission, I'm tired of this eternal vampiric hell. ''

        That's when their surroundings fluttered to sudden life. Fangs thousands of them, bright glistening eyes and pale skin as well as a look of thirst. The girls pulled out a spray and sprayed perfume on their wrists to mask the smell of their blood with other scents. It was about to start, were they ready for it though? A life of fakery and lies, excitement and adventure but also worry and fear.


Diabolik Lovers ; Blood and HuntersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ