The birth🤰🏽

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Today is the day I have my baby and I'm ready. Kentrell is right here with me so is my bestfriend and his closest friend Kd. We are all in the emergency room ready for me to push my mom and dad having talk to me since I left the house. So it's just been me kentrell and our baby. Plus the realest niggas that's been holdin it down wit us.

"Say, bae you ready" kentrell asked "I'm have to be"I answered and he kissed my lips. Soon after I caught a huge contraction "AHHH" I yelled "oh shit you alright"kentrell asked "yea mabye I just need to walk it of-"
Before I could finish water ran down my leg. "Well damn all you had to say was you had to use the ba-"he said before I cut him off "OWWW" yelled

"OH SHIT THE BABY COMING GET THE FUCKING NURSE" I screamed to them they quickly call her "ok ma'am your 8 centimeters dilated you need to be 10 to push" the doctor said coming in

Kentrell Pov

Ion know what's going on all I know is that they made me put on some nets. And that I was holding her hand and she was ready to push. Soon she started squeezing my hand super hard my shit bouta fall tf off. And on top of that she was yelling loud asf. I know that shit hurt cause the lil nigga got a big ass head.

When they finally got the baby out and that's when we had finally heard
the gender "ITS A GIRL" the doctor yelled I had shed real nigga tears my this was my first child my first daughter.

Jaliyah Pov

When the doctor screamed the words "It's a girl"
I looked over and saw Kentrell had shed a few tears and that made my heart warm. He looked at me and mouthed "I love you" and I mouthed it back they cleaned her up and gave her to me what's her name because i could say anything Kentrell said "Kind Kehlani Gaulden"
That made me look at her and smile too bad my parents have to live without seeing her but it was their choice I didn't tell them to leave my life that chose that way.

"So can I hold my god daughter or..."
Kd asked "Ummm nigga can you wait Kentrell ain't even get to hold her yet" I answered "well damn my bad sting ass motherfuckers" he said but the last part was under his breathe but i heard his Steve Urkel lookin ass but he be ight.

"Here and don't drop her"I said to Kentrell "stfu"he said straight facing me "Is that an option or a request" I asked he looked at me disgusted than sat his ass down. Ok he mad and idgaf that sound like a personal problem to me. But i love his lil dent head ass and I always will.

𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔 𝘿𝘼𝙐𝙂𝙃𝙏𝙀𝙍//𝙉𝘽𝘼 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙂𝘽𝙊𝙔 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें