I looked up at him and he looked down at me and I saw how sincere he was about what he just said and at that moment I knew that I loved chris Daniels

"I love you"I had a shocked face because I didn't mean to say that out loud you don't love it's okay...

My face fell and I felt sad chris must've saw that and he spoked up "I love you too jada"he smiled down on me

I poked my lips out and he kissed me and I swear it was the best kiss I've ever had it was like the ones that be in movies

"Awww"we pulled away from each other and look it was mia and jay "y'all are annoying"I said hiding my face "leave us alone"Chris said rubbing my back

"Fuck y'all anyway now that y'all are together can we have our sleep overs again"mia said jumping up and down like a little kid

"Yes now go away"Chris said and I laughed and they walked away "I got a question"Chris said "yes" I looked up to him why he so freaking tall

"Who was team  Chris"I laughed "mia she would always send me stuff that you post and told me how cute we were"he nodded his head "yep jay getting beat"Chris said

"Well you can't do that cause technically jay is the reason we got back together"I hold my hands up "you right I guess"he said "I'm always right"

Monday night

Luv bug💍💙:come get your friend she over me

Me:I'm bout to come get my baby cause you on the bold Luv bug💍💙:nigga We don't have no kids Me:well nova is our baby till we have one Luv bug💍💙:well she miss you

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Me:I'm bout to come get my baby cause you on the bold
Luv bug💍💙:nigga We don't have no kids
Me:well nova is our baby till we have one
Luv bug💍💙:well she miss you...
Me:do she miss me or do you miss me
Luv bug💍💙:both😌
Me:I'm omw y'all about to come with me
Luv bug💍💙:where we going?
Me:just be ready

Jada funny she put them damn glasses on my baby

her little cousin nova has been with them for a week her momma on a business trip and every time I'm on face time with Jada at night time nova be in the camera talking in her baby talk

"Momma"I called for her walking into the kitchen "yes son"she was cooking "Can Jada and her baby cousin come over here"I asked her and she turned around "you want me to meet your girlfriend"she asked me in a shocked tone

"Yes if that's okay with you"I asked her "yes yes oh yes I can't wait to meet her"she was so excited I texted jada telling her to dress casual cause we was eating dinner

30 minutes later

"Can you hurry up why my baby dressed before you"I asked her holding nova
and nova laughed "cause I changed her nigga duh"she said fixing her hair

"I'm done come on I got to get her car seat out of my car"she said we walked out to her car and she got the car seat we put nova in the car and headed to my house "where we going"Jada asked me

"We going to my house my momma cooked"Jada froze from typing on her phone "I'm bout to have dinner with your mom Chris"she asked me still looking at her phone that was now turned off

"Jada don't think to much of it she really want to meet you"I said "Chris I never meet somebody parents before"she said "and she ain't never met my girlfriend"

"You never had a girlfriend nigga"she yelled at me "Aye don't use that language in front of my child"i turned around to look at nova and she smiled "I can't stand you"

We got to my house "come baby"I said "I'm not ready to go in yet"Jada said "I was talking to nova Jada"I said laughing "you know what bet"Jada said getting out of the car

I got Nova and walked into the house "Momma"she came out the kitchen "hey"she said seeing Jada and then looked in my arms seeing nova and her eyes lit up

"Hey I'm Kim chris mom"my momma said holding her arms out for a hug "hey I'm jada and this is nova"Jada said giving my mom a hug she sounded so proper

40 minutes later

"Nova stop making a mess"I said we was at the table and nova was eating like we don't be feeding her "leave my baby alone she okay"Chris said and I glared at him

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"Nova stop making a mess"I said we was at the table and nova was eating like we don't be feeding her "leave my baby alone she okay"Chris said and I glared at him

"Babyyyyy"his momma said sounding like Soulja Boy "not his real baby of course him and nova just grew a bond over the week"I said trying to clear it up

"Girl it's okay I was just playing I know you and Chris are almost grown and if y'all do plan on being too grown and have a baby I know y'all will take care of the baby"she said and I nodded my head she said like my mom

"So what are your plans after school graduation coming up in two months"she asked me "Well I want to go to college I don't know which one yet but I want to go to college and major in business in management"I said confident in what I said

I love talking about my future "that's great you sound better than Chris over here he don't know what he wants to do"she said looking over to Chris

We never talked about stuff like this "I will figure it out"he said looking down at his plate "ja-ja"nova said and i looked at her plate and she ate all of it she most have been full "awww can you say Chris"chris said and me and his momma busted out laughing

Nova started smiling and clapped her hands

After dinner we just sat and talked I helped his mom with the dishes and we talked some more about me

It was time for me and nova to go home so chris told his mom that he will be back we left and when we pulled up to my house we heard little snores in the back seat well at least I want have to put her to sleep

"I had fun tonight"I said leaning over giving him a kiss "same I'm glad y'all got to meet"Chris said giving me a peck

"Can you carry her to the house while i open the door"I asked him and he nodded his head getting out of the car

"Goodnight baby"he said as I laid nova down "goodnight"and with that he left and I took nova clothes off and put her down then I went into my shower

When I got out I laid down in the bed then I got a FaceTime from Chris "you home"I asked him "yes I just got out the shower"he said rubbing his face "where my baby"i smacked my lips this nigga really think nova is his baby

I flipped the camera "she Rii here"I showed him "how much you want to bet she gone wake up at 4"he said "nun cause I know she gone wake up at 4"I yawned

"I'm tired"I said "then go to sleep I'm about to get on the game"I rolled my eyes closed my eyes falling asleep

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