Persephone & Hades

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Ardy Tindol

Mrs. Tyson

30 Aug, 2019

Hades' Perspective

The Moaning, loud, depresing. All alone with no one to talk to. Pitiful me. I'm going mad. Everyone around me is dead. I can't stand being alone. How is a king supposed to rule without a queen? Someone to talk to. I have everything I ever wanted, but why, if there is no one to share it with? A constant winter. Every other god gets to see Demeter's lovely weather, to talk to one another, but no one wants to with me. Alone. Cold. The moaning of the dead is driving me insane. How is it up there? I bet they never have to listen to the moaning. I bet the air is warm, that the skies are crystal blue, the grass was bright green. I could look up there for a minute.

Home. A grey, granite casale, always covered in shadow. It was illuminated by blue. I went inside. No one greeted me. I went to the library. It was covered wall to wall with books, in the middle of the room was a globe. I could hit anywhere I wanted on it and it would show me the place and what was happening in real time. I hit a flower field. I usually hit here. It's the entrance to the underworld. No people, no laughing, nothing but beautiful flowers and a clear shy. I can't blame them, most people are scared of death. It doesn't help much.

Today was different. In the middle of the field, I have a rose bush. It splits for the dead to let the dead. Today didn't have the dead trying to enter it was a woman. She was short, had long rose pink hair, daisy white skin. She was gorgeous, and was splitting my flowers. Was someone trying to enter? No, but what is? I should go up there to see her.

I ran to my chareit. The horses ran as fast as I could. I was alone for so long, will I now have a queen? The sky opened up. The chareit wiped around her. This was my moment. I calmly opened the door and stepped out.

"Who goes there! Gat away from me." She yelled.

"I'm King Hades, the God of the underworld. You?" She was shaking.

"Persophone, the Goddess of spring. Please tell me, why have you come?"

"You are ripping up my rose bushes." I looked over to the bush.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Lord Hades. I had no Idea. I Promise I'll-"

"No worry. Do you want to come with me? I can give you riches beyond your wildest dreams."

"No, Lord. My mother would-"

"Your mother. I'm a God of the big three, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." I then noticed how she refused to look at me. "Not to be rude, Persophone don't you know to look at one in the eye when speaking."

She looked up. I noticed her bark, piercing blue eyes. "I'm sorry, again Lord, but I don't think my mother would want me to be with you. Maybe another time." She was shy. She hid behind her hair. She played with the rose she stole.

"I hope you understand." her voice was faint. I looked away from her, what god would not let her come with me. Demeter daughter.

"What if I told your mother I was coming with you. I'm sure Demeter would understand, I mean your not a child." Her eyes lit up.

"You think that."

"Of course. We can call her from my place."

"Then sure, why not.

(This was my class assignment, and I wanted to share it)

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