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A girl was walking on the street. Her face showed her sadness and urgency to get away as soon as possible. Her vision was blurred as tears occupied her eyes. A lone tear left her left eye. Her hand moved to wipe the tear from her face. But before it reached her face, she felt a sharp pang of pain on her forehead and everything went blank. At least she wasn't alone.


“You think she’ll be all right?” Jane asked pointed towards the girl lying unconscious on the nearby hospital bed.

“Dr. Peterson said she’s fine.” Jill replied straightening the creases of her nurse uniform.

“I’ll say, she’s lucky to have survived the accident.”

“Lucky would be an understatement. She got hit by a truck and the driver died.” Jane said rolling her eyes.

“Don’t get so dramatic. The driver died of alcohol poisoning.” Jill rolled her eyes in reply.

“Still, the paramedics said she was almost dead when they put her in the ambulance.”

“She didn’t look almost dead when they got here.” Jill said dismissively. 

“I heard one of the paramedics say that her body healed automatically.” Jane said trying to prove her case.

“CODE RED ON LEVEL 2” A loud voice echoed through the room and both of the nurses rushed out of the room and the girl sat up on the bed. She was awake for most of the conversation but didn’t bother opening her eyes. She was also trying to figure out the reason of her survival. The last thing she remembered was a hard bang on her head and someone yelling, “Call 911!”

She knew it was a hard hit and all logic said that she should have died. She was happy and grateful to be alive. It seemed silly that she was crying over a break up not an hour ago (the wall clock showed 9). 

“How do you feel now?” Dr. Peterson asked entering the room.

“Fine.” She mumbled. “When can I go home?” 

“Do you feel any pain in your body?”


“Any problem in movements or hearing or vision.”


“Looks like you are fine. If you give your name and information, we can get the discharge papers ready in an hour. And you’ll need someone to take you home.”

“I’ll call my roommate. Can I have my cell?”

“I’m afraid that’s broken. You can give the number to the nurse here, and she’ll call your friend.” He said pointing to Jill, who had just entered and looked like she had something important to say.

“Doctor, they need you in the O.R.”


 “You know, I really freaked out when they said you were hit by a truck. You don’t even look like a bicycle hit you.” Sally said as she was walking out of the hospital with her roommate Sapna. Their apartment was a just blocks away, so they had decided to walk.

“The nurses at the hospital seemed quite amused that I lived.”

“Well, like they say, God broke your heart but saved your head.”

“Who says that?” Sapna asked irritated.

“I do.” 

“You are right. The break up seems so trivial now. I’m already over him.”

“Good for you.” Sally nodded.

“What a waste of Friday night.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll have a documentary marathon.”

The Dream CatcherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant