I look at Talon then Ice, they both agree with Razor. "Ok fine"

"Are the routes all planned and ready VP? Did you get with Gunner on them?" Talon looks at them both.

At the same time, "yep. Done"

Talon stands, hits the gavel, "church dismissed".

I'm the first out of church, looking around for the boys, found them at the pool table.

Walking up to them," hey you boys good?" I ask, sitting on a stool to watch.

"Of course momma. No worries. Bubba trying kick my ass in pool, he's actually getting pretty good." Bub says, walking around the table looking for a shot.

I laugh, it's good to see bubba thrive here. He's come a long way, but being here has helped so much. Prospect walks up to me, "Sami, you want a drink."?

"Bottled water please." I say absentmindedly.

"Sure thing. You boys want anything?" He ask.

Bub says Mt Dew and bubba ask for coffee.

"I'll make a fresh pot for ya bubba." He says walking away.

Ice sees me sitting here and walks my way.

"That prospect been here long Ice?" I ask as he sits next to me.

He looks at me, shocked I'd ask. "Maybe almost a year. Why? Something wrong?"

Laughing at him, "nothing wrong. He's been good with me and the boys. The first to always see if we need anything. Him and bubba get along pretty good."

He glances at the prospect walking back to us with my water and bubs mt dew.

"Coffee be ready in a few minutes bubba. Sugar and cream right?" Prospect ask.

Bubba smiles, "yep, hazelnut."

"You got it." Saying as he walks away.

Ice starts to speak, but stops, thinking what to say. "Um, he gets along with bubba and understands more than most because his dad had a TBI years ago. Passed away right before he came to us."

Shaking my head, "he's a good guy. I like him and been a good friend to bubba. He needs patched in."

Ice glances at bubba, "you're right he does. We have 2 other prospects. Maybe should do it before the run?"

I jump up, "hell yeah. That'd be awesome."

Ice shakes his head laughing at me, "you're excited for the prospect huh?"

"Of course I am. I have my reasons too. Once he's patched, him and bubba can hang more. Instead of him doing grunt work." I giggle out.

"CHURCH, now. Officers only" Ice yells.

"Fuck Ice, between you and Tal, I'm piss myself one of these days." I growl, "stop yelling next to me, fucker."

He's laughing as he walks away.

The officers follow him back to church.

Becki sits down and has a worried look. "Everything ok?" she ask.

"Yeah, we were talking bout prospect at the bar, I think they're gonna vote on patching him in." I smile.

Becki jumps up grabbing my hand, "come on then" pulling me behind her to their room.

"I've been working on patches. So if they are doing this now, I need get one finished." She says, looking thru the mess.

Finding what she wanted, hands it to me. I look at it, and think, yeah fits him perfectly.

" I love it. Shadow". Handing it back to her. She starts sewing it onto a cut. Few minutes later and she's done.

"What do you think?" Asking me

"Looks good" I say, knowing it perfectly fits him. He's been a shadow to me and the boys, especially bubba. So the name to me is perfect.

Her phone goes off, "let's go. We are wanted in church."

Walking into the room, these men are louder than kids talking. "Y'all sure are loud fuckers" I say, trying not to laugh at them.

Sarg laughs hard saying,"no louder than you in the Prezs club room"

I glare at him, trying be serious, "yeah at least I'm getting laid"

They all laugh, because Sarg doesn't do club whores.

Ice looks at Becki, "got it done?"

She holds it up, smiling, "of course I do. Never doubt me."

Hawk open the door, yelling "prospect, get your fucking ass in here." Waiting until the prospect walks into the room and shuts the door.

He looks nervous.

Talon raps his knuckles on the table, "know why you were called in here?"

Prospect shakes his head no. Looking down.

"Anything we need to know about prospect, you keeping shit from us?" Ice says, trying to be straight faced

"N n no VP. I'd give my life for this club. This is my family" he stammers out and stands tall.

Talon stands up, "take off that cut."

Poor guy is terrified. But he's standing tall.

Becki walks up to him, with a smile. "Here ya go Shadow."

He looks confused. Looking at us all and it finally dawned on him what's happening.

Smiling at me, "really?" He ask

I nod. I'm proud of him.

"You've been one of the best prospects this club has had. You are officially no longer a prospect. Congrats brother." Talon says, as others are agreeing and back slapping him.

"Church dismissed, again, time to celebrate. " Talon says.

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