Chapter 28: Chamber of Secrets

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Hailey's POV:
It was 2 days before Christmas.
Pattie and my Parents had arrived to spend the holiday with us.
The house was full of Christmas music and the smell of baking cookies.
We had sent the boys out to the store to get ingredients to make homemade eggnog.
So it was just us girls in the kitchen.
I knew it was time.
I slipped away and came back with the real envelope.
I had it hidden in a box of tampons in the back of the linen closet.
I knew he would never look there.
I made my way to the kitchen, and watched as my Mama and Pattie were dancing along to
"Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
They both stopped as I walked in.
Pattie spoke first.
"Hailey, are you shaking?
You look nervous.
What's wrong?"
My Mama chimed in.
"Baby girl, what going on?
What do you have there?"
I took a deep breath and waved the envelope around for dramatic effect.
"This is our sonogram results.
Our Boy Vs Girl answer.
I need your help surprising Justin."
They both became wide eyed.
They both looked at the envelope and then at me.
Pattie whispered:
"Did you open it?"
I walked towards them and placed it down on the counter.
Showing them that it was still sealed.
"I was waiting for the two of you.
I need my Mama's to help pull this surprise off for him."
They each held it in their hands.
They agreed to help me and passed the envelope back to me.
"I'm so nervous!
This envelope holds more than just words.
It's my babies identity."
They both wrapped their arms around me, as I slowly opened the envelope.
As I unfolded the paper and read the words out loud, all three of us began to cry.
There it was, in soft cursive.
My heart grew in size in an instant.
I looked at my Mama and then at Pattie.
They were jumping up and down in pure joy.
After we all gained our composure, I let them in on my plan and told them about everything, even Justin's snooping ways.
"Let's get to work then, Hails!
We're gonna make this the best Christmas gift my boy has ever had!"
The next 2 days were intense.
Poor Justin didn't know what was going on.
My Dad for that matter too.
We sent them out of the house and on errand trips all day long.
They were both forbidden from the second floor when they were home.
I made Justin and my Dad sleep in the theater room at night.
The Mama's slept with me, that way we had a direct line of vision on our "Chamber of Secrets".
It was behind the door to the room across from the master.
Justin was definitely suspicious.
But I told him we were wrapping presents in there.
And if he tried to sneak in and peak, I'd take them all back.
That kept him away.
He likes presents.
By Christmas Eve night, us ladies had finished.
His surprise was ready.
After dinner we all sat around and I gave everyone a gift.
My husband tore into his first.
Did my Mom put you up to this?
Mom, I know you told her about your tradition!
Every Christmas Eve...she let me open one gift.
Everytime it was Pajamas!"

"Hush your mouth, Justin!
I didn't tell her, but I love you more Hailey for this!"
I watched as they all opened their boxes to find semi-matching pajamas.
You see, a month ago I sent them all a link to a Harry Potter House Test.
It was a specialized test to find out what house you belonged to.
Each set of pajamas was a long sleeved shirt with striped arms and striped pajama pants.
The only difference was the color and your house name on the front of the shirt.
Justin's were Gold & Scarlet-
House Gryffindor.
Mine and Dad's were Yellow & Black-
House HufflePuff.
Patties were Blue & Bronze-
House Ravenclaw.
And to everyone's surprise my Mama's were
Green and Silver-
House Slytherin.
"Twinkles, these are actually great.
I see your still messing with me though.
But at least I belong to the greatest house of all!
Nobody compares to a Gryffindor!"
He got up and swung his pajamas around his head, like he was the Champion.
"Hey, I'll have you know, that House Hufflepuff are the true good people!"
He didn't care about that, as he continued to swing his pajamas in the air.
"Maybe true, but who wants to be good?
When you can be a Champion!"
God I married a man child.
"And no offense Mama Kennya, but I knew Twinkles had to have Slytherin in her blood, she's a sneaky one!"
My Mama just laughed.
"Oh you have no clue,Justin.
My baby girl has got your number!"
That stopped him in his tracks.
And I coerced them all into their pajamas for a group photo.
And that night, being the good Hufflepuff that I was...
I even let Mr.Gryffindor himself sleep in our bed.

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