"With who?" I asked him as I sat up straight intrigued by his change of subject. 

He was silent for a moment before he shared a name with me, "Nathalie, her name is Nathalie."

"How did you meet her?" I continued with questions as I got a little excited to hear his news. 

"At a film premiere," he replied casually, as I shook my head lightly to myself. "The new F & F film."

"You mean Nathalie Emmanuel?" 

"Yeah, although right now it's not something I would like to share with the world." He didn't like to share his personal life with the media, and I knew he'd want me to keep it to myself. 

I smiled to myself, "I understand." I was happy that he was dating again, he'd stopped dating for a while only concentrating on work. He'd got to a point where he didn't think about anything else but work; dating was never high on his priorities. "Are you going to see her again then?"

"I hope so," he told me. I could hear the happiness in his voice; he'd spoken his words with a smile on his lips. 


My morning routine was different when I woke since I had nothing to actually get up for, not rush for anyway, I could take my time. I made myself a cup of coffee first, sitting at the island. I put my hands around my hot cup as I smiled to myself. Today was going to be a good day; I could feel it as I sat there just enjoying the blissful quiet of the apartment. I knew that I had to make the most of these couple of days off, when I returned to work I needed to be on my A-game. 

It took me a good half an hour before I took a shower and dressed, I pulled on a short pair of denim shorts with an orange top with exposed my midriff, I teamed this with some Disney flip flops. I stood in front of the mirror where I brushed my long just enough to get the knots out before leaving it dangling down my back before swiping a clear gloss over my lips. 

As I stood looking at my skin, I heard the buzzer. I turned my head to look at the door, my reflexes coming in as I wondered who was at the door. Walking through to the hall, I pressed on the button before speaking, "Who is it?" 

"Andiamo Megan, sono io." I heard Vincenzo's voice over the crackling of the intercom. Come on, Megan, it's me.

Smiling to myself, I pressed on the button to open the door, "Come on up." I pulled the door open, leaving it off the latch before I headed into the living room and checked my reflection in the mirror one more time. 

I had to admit I was nervous; I had not seen Vincenzo for a few years, six to be exact. We did speak quite a lot though, we text each other at least once a week, just to check in with each other. 

"Checking yourself out?" I heard his voice; it was deeper than it was on the phone. 

Turning to look at him, I broke out in a wide grin, "Well, look who's all grown up." I teased him before I walked closer to him and hugged him, pulling him close to me. 

I couldn't believe how much he had changed; when I last saw him, he was a spotty teenager with a nose that seemed too big for his face, now he was a man. He'd grown into his features, and his spots had cleared up. His skin was smooth as I looked at it, no sign of any blemishes. His hair that used to be greasy and unkempt was shiny and styled. I couldn't believe this was the same person I had to convince to teach me Italian, especially as he seemed to have confident radiating off of him now. 

I stepped back as I looked at him, my eyes raking up and down his body before returning to his face, "What happened to you then?" I winked at him as I sat down on the sofa, crossing my legs below me. 

He mimicked my actions and took a seat in the chair but left his feet on the floor, "I grew up." I noticed him looking at me the same way I had checked him out. "Looks like you've been a busy girl growing up too."

"Maybe you could stop checking me out now," I laughed as I placed my hands in my lap. "What happened with your parents?" I referred to the fact that he was here and I wasn't allowed to his home. 

Vincenzo let out a sigh, "Mama has been having some problems lately, and Papa isn't well. She thought it would be best if you stayed away." He shrugged his shoulders, "You know my Ma, she's a proud woman. She wouldn't want anyone seeing her when she's not in a good way."

"Send her my love," I told him as I looked at him, my smile fading. I didn't want to think of his parents not being well. They had been such good people to me when I stayed with them; I wouldn't want them to be in any pain.

"I will," he told me before he changed the subject. "So, tell me all about your new job and the new man in your life. Who has replaced Lewis?" He laughed at the end of his sentence as he smiled in my direction. 



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