"Last chance to back out. I don't wanna hurt you, Little Sparrow," Gil says. I frown at his familiarity with her.

"Size isn't everything," Enna says, and I can practically see her winking cheekily, and I don't know whether to smile at her boldness, or frown at the fact that she is almost flirting with Gil. "On three. Ready? One, two, three!" I watch as they fight against each other, neither arm wavering. "Don't you dare go easy on me, Gil," Enna says, her voice tense with effort. Gil obliges her, and uses more force. For a while, he pushes Enna's arm down, but with almost no effort, she brings it back to the middle. The same steps are repeated a few more times, and I finally see that Enna is letting him push her down before using her strength to basically say, 'Is that all you got?' I watch as her arm tenses up and relaxes in a rhythym, and her legs tense up as well, serving as an anchor for her body. Seeing that she is not only fierce, but has actual strength, makes me smile. Cheers erupt around the table, and I look up to see that Enna is pushing Gil's hand down to her side. Thud. The whole shop is filled with raucus cheers as Enna claims her victory, getting congratulated and clapped on the back. She looks to Gil, who is rubbing his hand and looking a bit like a sore loser. "Gil?" Her eyes meet his, and there's that feeling again. "Good job. You're a worthy opponent." Of course, those words make him smile like he just hit the jackpot on eggs. I roll my eyes at how easily he can be placated.

"You, too. You're pretty strong for a little thing," he says, winking at her. I clench my hands into fists, keeping my expression neutral. I see Enna's ears turn red, a sign that she is flattered by his compliment, and I narrow my eyes at her back. She looks around, as if she can feel me staring at her, and her hazel eyes meet mine, and I give her a congratulatory nod. A gentle smile graces her features, and her cheeks redden more at my small gesture than Gil's words, and I find myself feeling satisfied. She picks up her coat, and walks over to me, sitting in the chair across from me.

"You want a go, Hook?" she asks me, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous challenge. I find myself smiling again.

"I'm alright, lass. Even Gil lost to you, and I'm in no mood to be humiliated by a wee lass like yourself," I say, making her laugh, which makes me smile again.

"Right. You have a big, bad pirate image to protect. But your instincts do you credit." She leans forward slightly. "You'd lose," she whispers loudly.

"You don't know that. You've already tired yourself out now. But I don't fight ladies."

"Well then, it's a good thing I'm no lady." Then, as if to prove a point, she snatches the mug of Sea Apple Ale from my hand and gulps it down in a single swig, slamming it on the table. I see her tattoo on her inner elbow again, a small pirate ship with black sails. The Black Pearl, her father's ship. I'm guessing so she always feels her home is close at hand, but I don't say as much. She pulls her coat on once more, and I admire her in it. "I'm going to explore the Isle a bit before I head back out to sea. Maybe I'll find what I'm looking for." She pulls out her compass, and snaps the lid open, staring with puzzlement at the needle, but closing it back up before I can see where it's pointed. "I think the magic-free barrier might be jamming this thing up," she says frustratedly, putting it into her pocket. "Well, Hook, it was nice meeting you. Give Uma and Gil my goodbyes. Maybe I'll see you on another horizon." Do I detect a hint of sadness in her words? Before I can respond, she turns, her coat swirling about her, and strides out of the shoppe. My goodbye dies on my lips, and I find my feet wanting to follow her. I shake the feeling off, then head to the bar to get another Sea Apple Ale. I fill the mug to the brim, and chug it down. I feel a familiar gloved hand on my shoulder, and the smell of shrimp invades my nostrils. I look down at Uma, the wide, brown eyes I know so well, but the fire within them is barely a glowing ember after seeing the fire in Enna's eyes.

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