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I made some changed to the storyline, please go check out the previous chapter if you haven't seen the new version.

Kingdom of Venatia above ^

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Kim Ji-a (pronounced Gee-Ah) with hair as rich as milk chocolate, her eyes of the same hue glimmered, brighter than any jewel, brighter than any star.

She rested her chin on her hand as she sighed, just then her name was called. She turned around at the sound of a servant.

"Lady Ji-a your father has requested you." The servant bowed and Ji-a lifted herself from the cushiony chair she was sitting on and walked out with the servant.

"Why is father requesting me?" Ji-a asked the servant. Her father, the King of Venatia adored her so, the only daughter born and the exact replica of the King's late wife, the queen who unfortunately passed when she gave birth to Ji-a.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was born from a mysterious woman and the King. They met just 5 years after the late Queen's death. It is rumored that the mysterious woman was a witch that used her demonic powers and seduced the King which resulted in the birth of a son.

King Kim was distraught when Princess Ji-a found out, stumbling upon a maid holding newborn Taehyung. He was sure Princess Ji-a would throw a fit but was shocked to see her adore the small baby. Princess Ji-a said she would treat Taehyung as her real brother and didn't get mad at her father for bedding another woman. Thus Taehyung grew up inside the palace.

The maids watched as Taehyung developed a hatred for Ji-a as he was jealous of the affection given to her. He was jealous of her beauty, of her intelligence, of her talents, of everything.

Every time Ji-a got injured, Taehyung was there. Everytime something of Ji-a's went missing Taehyung was seen nearby. The servants were convinced Taehyung was out to get Ji-a however, Ji-a dismissed those thoughts as she loved her half-brother dearly.

One evening Ji-a slipped off her horse during horseback riding with Taehyung and Ji-a sprained her ankle and broke her arm. The servants called out Taehyung for purposely leading Ji-a into the woods so he could hurt her.

Ji-a declined the servants allegations and said it was only an accident and so Taehyung was only punished with no food for a week.

Ji-a felt empathetic towards Taehyung and so she went to go visit his quarter. Ji-a tried to reconcile with Taehyung but he was angry and in a flash, there laid Ji-a on the floor with a knife lodged into her torso.

King Kim was furious and banished Taehyung to the east wing where there was no one but him. No servants, no guards, no one. He was locked away as punishment.

After Ji-a recovered she met a man, with hair the color of ravens, and eyes of emeralds. She was enchanted. She reached out to him and soon they fell in love.

She fell in love with the Dragon King, the most ferocious and powerful king of all time. The dragon people were said to be deities. At first her father was reluctant to wed her with the Dragon King but seeing their profound love, he let them live happily ever after.

And Taehyung? He was forgotten inside of the small, dark room of his. He watched as Ji-a was happier as can be. He watched as those two fell in love. He watched as they grew a family. He watched until he was no more, until he was only a dusty skeleton inside of an empty building with no one to remember that he was left there,

all alone.

Wannabe Princess || VK ♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن