Story Re-write Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" He grabbed your arm in a tight, nearly bruising grip.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"To the main office to receive proper punishment for tresspassing!"

"I'm fucking innocent!" You screeched.

You finally dropped your rear down onto the floor causing him to stop. From the awkward angle you were able to twist your arm free.

You tried to run but he grabbed your cast causing you to cry out in pain as he pulled you back.

"Guards!" He called.

"I didn't do shit!"

Two UNSC soldiers showed up but it only took one of them to scoop you up into his arms. The entire time you frantically struggled and told the truth of your innocence of this so called "tresspassing".

At last you arrived to the holding center. One soldier brought the shield down well the other stepped forward.

"No! Wait! I have a little sister! I can't be locked up!"

He dropped you onto the floor and proceeded to walk out as the holowall formed.

You stood from the floor, clenching your fists as your eyes burned at the two soldiers walking away.

"I'm innocent! Maybe you idiots can put up some god damn signs telling me where I can and cannot go!" You screeched.

But no one was listening.

You tucked yourself into a corner of the room and pulled your knees to your chest.

"I wandered too far...yet on paper it sounds like a spiritual experience...sure seemed like one hell of an experience for Alice..." You muttered.

You felt tears slipping from your eyes and you quickly wiped them away with your sleeve. There was no doubt they had security cameras in here. You would be damned if you let any of those fucktards see you cry.

After some time which felt like hours to you, sitting huddled in the corner thinking to yourself.

The least they could have done is give you a ball or something to entertain yourself with. After some time a soldier finally returned.

"Ms. (Last Name)?"

"Present." You sighed with a half hearted hand wave.

"You are convicted of trespassing and misdemeanor and thus will not be allowed to leave the floor you are occupying unless emergency or staff accompanying you."

"What? No trial?"

"The video evidence is all we needed."

You stood and crossed your arms,
"Well maybe if you dinguses had any brains you would put up signs telling us where and where not to go!"

The soldier didn't say further more and lowered the wall.

"I will personally supervise you back to your quarters."

"I don't need any supervising, I'm (15-19)."

Nonetheless the soldier took your shoulder and shoved you forward. You snapped at him but he continued to guide you through the halls.

On the way back you noticed Master Chief was walking the opposite side of the hall. It appeared he had just gotten back from a battle judging by the dirt and blue blood coating his armor.

He looked up from the ground and you could feel you had made eye contact. You opened your mouth to say something but the soldier shoved you forward.

You gave him a harsh look before turning to Chief, practically begging with your eyes as the soldier continued to press you forward.

At last you arrived back to your room. As soon as the door opened Skylee ran over and hugged you.

"You were only let out early because of your care taking of a younger sibling. Do not let this happen again."

You muttered a string of curse words under your breath as he turned his heel and left.

"(Name)? Where were you? I was so scared when I came back and you weren't here!" Sky sobbed.

"I'm sorry Sky, I got a little...caught up. I promise it won't happen again." You sighed.

Sky wrapped her arms around you tighter.

You were going to have to be careful now.

With no signs of your father being was just you and Skylee. You had to conform to their rules if you both want to survive together.

What does the ship even do with the survivors?

You let out a heavy sigh.

"Let's go watch some SpongeBob..."

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