Epilogue - [2/5]

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With the way I'm updating, I don't think I'll be able to do Character Interviews for this story like I did with The Suicide Girl. School is getting the best of me, and I'm all around tired now. It's getting harder to write and draw with passion now, and I feel like I'm just vomiting words on my phone.

Sorry for any disappointment :C

Epilogue - [2/5]
Julia Fernandez
Becomes Julia Holmes

"I think that's a great idea, Leo," Mom encouraged, drinking from her mug of her hot chocolate. She turned to look at me with a sweet smile. "Well?"

I perked up, nodding at them so vigorously that my head felt like it was about to snap off my neck. "Y-Yes! I'll definitely do it for you two!"

Leo breathed a sigh of relief, trying to relax himself. "Thank you," he said, a smile on his face. His eyes closed as he leaned back in the chair with a hand over his chest. "God, my heart is beating so fast right now."

"What made you decide to propose to her?" I heard Papa ask from the kitchen.

Leo sat up, holding onto his untouched mug. It was silent for a moment before he answered. "A few years ago, let's just say five, we were on a date in Greece, and she asked the question, 'Is it possible for us to get married to each other, even though we're dead?'" I was a little startled at first, because it only ever crossed my mind once. Marriage, that is. To... her." There was a sort of blank smile on his when a short laugh escaped him. "In all honesty, I was stupid enough to reply 'why?' She looked at me with a hurt smile and said, 'Nothing.' I apologized the next morning, but it hasn't left my mind since."

Mom shook her head. "Jesus Christ. If there ever was a smart man out there, I would wish to meet him," she said, crossing her arms, "because it seems the ones I've surrounded myself with are both idiots."

Papa and Leo hung their heads on their shoulders, making me laugh at how they knew her comment was directed towards them. Papa too, huh? Swinging my legs off the chair, I stood up and attracted their attention.

"Should we start planning this whole thing then?" I asked them.


"You guys are always doing weird surprises because Leo makes you," Julia commented from behind me, carefully following my steps as I held her hands. Pulling her outside the back door and onto the trail, I let her continue talking while I led her to the lakeside. "It's probably my fault, because he's constantly spoiling me. This is another one of those things cause of the blindfold, right?"

"Not allowed to answer, but you pretty much got it," I laughed, making her sigh. Peering over my shoulder, I stopped when we reached the floorboards of the dock. "Okay, stay right here."

"W-Wait, what? You're just going to leave me here?!"

"Don't sweat it! Count to ten, then pull off the bandana!"

I let go of her hands, running off to behind a tree as Julia began counting aloud. Mom quietly high-fived me, and excited smiles crossed our faces as we peeled out from behind the tree. Utilizing my Music attribute, I listened in on the conversation between Julia and Leo as she pulled off her blindfold, seeing him in front of her.

"We should really stop bothering Meredith and Cheryl, don't you think?" I heard her suggest.

I almost snorted when that was the first thing she thought she should say to him.

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