Chapter 2 - Goodbye Rivendell

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"Don't worry, I'll make sure I let the other's help me defeat Sauron."

She smile gently, and so I link arms with her, and walk to the front of the hall, taking a seat before dinner begins. It is quiet. There is only a small amount of chatter, and even so, only in small clumps. I eat in silence, aware of members of the council gazing at me. I retire early that knight, and sit on the balcony within Elrond's and I's shared chamber. It gazes out over Rivendell, the beautiful forest and waterfalls. I sit there, on the ground, leaning against the wall, just taking it all in, knowing this was to be my last night here, if not for the rest of my life, then a long time. 

I didn't hear the door open, then close, nor did I hear the footsteps that approached. The sound of Elrond sitting next to me, made me jump. I looked at him with startled eyes, before calming, and leaning back against him, as I looked towards the bright moon in the sky. 

"I'm going to miss this view Elrond," I spoke gazing across the beautiful.

"Not as much as I'm going to miss mine," I turned to look at him, to see he was staring at me. 

A soft laugh left me as i curled my body towards him. I inhale deeply, trying to memorise his scent, his warmth, and how he feels against me. I lean up, placing a kiss against his neck, another one slightly higher, and then a light teasing bit on his chin. I ignore his laugh, and tenderly place my lips against his. He pushes back, one hand snaking around my neck tugging me closer gently. He bites my lip, trying to devour every part of my being.

I use my hands to untie the braces of his clothes, slowly removing it, bit by bit, as he does the same to me, while kissing down my neck. I feel a small bite just bellow my ear.

"Please my love, I want to feel you for as long as I can..." The bites become harder, and bigger, covering both sides of my neck. As he laid on top of me, helping me undress, I focused on every part of him, locking it all into memory, preparing for the long and gruelling months that were to come. I captured him as he was under the moonlight on our balcony, caring for only each other, as we said our goodbyes. 


The Next Morning 

I left our chambers with Elrond the next morning, our arms linked. He was wearing his normal Lordly clothes, where as I was dressed with Trousers and a tunic. I packed my cloak with the rest of my clothes. I saw Arwen talking quietly to Aragorn, before the both looked to Eldrond and I's approach. Aragorn's eyes flickered from my neck, to the chin of my beloved, as did Arwen's. I broke away to retrieve my weapons and supplies. After attaching the scabbard to my belt and hiding slinging my bow over my shoulder, I brought the bags back to load onto the pony.

"Looks like you had a fun night Lass," I looked at Gimli, as he sharpened his axe for the Journey. I tilted my head in confusion. He placed his hand on his neck before nodding towards me. My hand flew up  to press on my neck.

I winced at the ache that I felt, and realised that there were bruises, big bruises. My face flushed upon realising that this is what Aragorn and Arwen had been looking at. I quickly finished the final preparations, ignoring Gimli's chuckles at my embarrassment. A quick glanced to my other half showed a small bruise upon his chin.

We all lined up, Aragorn just finishing loading the pony Bill with last of our supplies, it was nearly time to leave. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to the person, already knowing who it was. 

"You can still change you're mind, my love, you do not have to do this." I looked down, taking Elronds hands into my own, bringing them to my lips.

"Boe i 'waen." Neither of the pair heard the conversations of the others, too caught up in each other

"Guren níniatha n'i lû n'i a-govenitham." He whispered it, with his forehead pressed against my own.

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