Ozpin: Hello Miss. Schnee.

Weiss: Oh Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: I need you to go to my office.

Weiss: Yes sir.

Ozpin: When you get there you and Ruby can go in and wait for the rest of your team.

Weiss: Okay.

I walked away. I decided I'm not going to wait on Y/N to tell his secret any longer, it was almost night. I walked to team RWBY's dorm. When I got there I knocked.

Yang: Yes? Oh Professor Ozpin. What do you need?

Ozpin: I need you and your team to come to my office. Tell Hawkeye I want to talk to him about his impersonation of me.

Yang: Okay.

I walked back to my office and waited with Ruby and Weiss. Thankfully when I got there, they already made up.

10 minutes later

Y/N pov

We were in the elevator on the way to Ozpin's office.

Y/N: W-well I guess I'm I-in trouble for m-my little t-trick.

Yang: Yeah, by the way he said it, he was aggravated.

The doors opened. We started to walk in.

Ozpin: Hello. Hawkeye I need to talk to you about that little trick you pulled on Professor Port.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Ozpin: But that's not why I called you here.

He nodded to someone. I turned around and saw Glynda standing behind me. She used her semblance and trapped me in a bubble. That's when I realized... Ozpin was going to tell them.

Y/N: Let me out!

Ozpin: Not until I tell them.

Y/N: No!

Ruby: Tell is what?

Ozpin: Hawkeye's real name.

Team RWBY: What?!

Y/N: Ozpin, don't you dare!

Ozpin: You forced me to, I told you to tell them.

Ruby: What's his real name and why is he hiding it?

Yang: Yeah.

Ozpin: The reason he is hiding it is because.. he is someone's brother here.

RWBY: What?

Ozpin: As for his real name.....

Y/N: Ozpin don't!!

Ozpin: ..is...

Y/N: No don't listen to him!

Ozpin: Y/N..... Rose.

Ruby and Yang: What!?!?

They started to cry a little. They looked at me.

Ruby: Is that you Y/N?

I took off my mask.

Y/N: Yeah, it's me.

They really started crying.

Yang: Why did you not tell us, it was you?

Y/N:*yelling and angry* Why do you think, Yang?

Glynda released me. Ruby tackled me, and started cry some more. Yang look down, depressed.

Ruby: How did you survive.

Y/N: Survive? Survive what?

Yang:*crying* Survive the Grimm attack.

Y/N: Oh, that. Yeah, about that....

Ruby: What?

Y/N: I might have faked my death.

Everyone: What?

Weiss: Why would you fake your death?

Blake: Yeah.

Ozpin: His family abused him because he is a faunus.

Y/N: Everyone but Ruby, Uncle Qrow, and Aunt Raven. My aunt and uncle were hardly around.

Weiss and Blake looked at Yang.

Blake: Wait, you said Y/N is a faunus, right?

I put my ears up.

Y/N: Yes I'm a faunus.

I looked down, so I didn't see any disgusted faces.

Blake: Y/N look at us.

I slowly looked at them.

Weiss: We're not mad at you.

Y/N: Okay, I need to be left alone, right now.

I started to walk out.

Yang: Y/N, wait!

I ran out.


Well I'm done for the night. This is SoccerGKLuke signing off.

Abused Wolf FaunusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz