dont let me DROWN !

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The bathroom floor was cold to the touch and made me shiver every time my head grazed along it . I didn't worry though I could take the pain by now I had been getting used to it as it had been happening so often . pretty much everyday I would be dragged across the floor and smashed up against the wall . I remember when it all started ... How it all started when I stole a small slice of bread from the cupboard to eat . she picked me up and beat me with her rolling pin and smashed me against the wall leaving me there for days just crying until finally she threw me outside and told me to get lost ...I cried even more so she brought me back in hung tape over my mouth and threw me on the hard bed frame she then exclaimed "you make one more fucking noise and I will fucking kill you next time got it you little twat!"

Then she spat on me and slammed and locked the door shut encasing me in darkness leaving me with only my eyes and my imagination to keep me company

                                                      Didn't the dark scare me ?

my mind wondered back from my past and winded it way back into the present leaving me shaken and dead at heart

My head was pounding as I got up to the lingering smell of incense and my own drying blood I left my torn shoes to one side of the now  blood soaked wall grabbing a small cloth and gently wiping away the red rivers that ran down the wall

                                                  All the time , this had to be done

I had no idea what I was going to do next all I knew is that I'd better get out of this hell hole before moms duties are over otherwise this'll happen to me again and I'm not sure humans can loose this much blood at once .

                                             None can take that much blood loss

I pulled on my jacket and cautiously slipped out of the door making sure to leave no fine prints to even my existence to impress moms "colleagues"

I really don't need anything to live right ?

So this is my first chapter to find out who's POV  this is then take the first letter of every sentence in bold I will be post in another one today too so don't have a panic attack !!!

So yeah !! .BYE GUYS ! Peterickphanx

far to young to die ( phan fiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt