03: ReJeCtEd

89 2 0




Horse lamp - Addy

Chipmunk - Cynthia

Jeythehey - Jeyjey

Dumpster - Benji

Eboy crack - Chase

Bb boi - Noen

Bree the banana - Bree


Horse lamp (3:42)

Well, everyone, this is my best friend, Bree Hudson, Bree, this is everyone

Bree the banana (3:42)

Hello 'everyone', nice to meet you xD

bb boi (3:43)

Someone has a lack of humor

Bree the banana (3:43)


Chipmunk (3:43)

Don't mind him, I'm Cynthia

Dumpster (3:44)

I'm Benji

Jeythehey (3:44)

I'm Jeyjey :)

Bree the banana (3:45)

OMG! I LoVe you guys!

Chipmunk (3:45)

I love her already xD

bb boi (3:46)

Weirdos... Anyways, I'm Noen


"Wait what?!" I read the message one more time. Yep... I read that right... Noen Eubanks. I mean, it doesn't really matter, it's not like I've had a crush on him for the past 4 months. hehe...



is calling...

Answer                                      decline


Is answering


"Addy! Why would you add me here!?" I just yelled and groaned as I laid back in bed. "Well, they wanted me to" She couldn't be blunter. "Well, you know I have a crush on Noen! I can't speak to him" Well, true, but I have never actually tried. "Bree! you haven't even talked to him yet, I believe you're going to have this perfect connection." Yeah sure... I'm not sure if she's just saying that, or if the means it. "just try" well, it doesn't really matter anymore, they know me now. "sure". I hung up.


Call ended





Horse lamp - Addy

Chipmunk - Cynthia

Jeythehey - Jeyjey

Dumpster - Benji

Eboy crack - Chase

Bb boi - Noen

Bree the banana - Bree


eboy crack (3:50)

Why did it get so quiet? Hah! Noen got rejected!

bb boi (3:50)

shut up

Bree the banana (3:50)

No! sorry, I just had to call Addy :)

eboy crack (3:51)

Did you tell her she left her freaking pizza in the oven last time?

Bree the banana (3:51)

No, I forgot xD

bb boi (3:52)

SHE, Addy, as in always hungry addy, left her pizza in the oven?

Bree the banana (3:52)

Yeah, she was here for movie night, but she had to go and forgot to tell us about the pizza in the oven

bb boi (3:53)

Well then, she's stupid

horse lamp (3:53)

I'm still in this group chat ya know?

bb boi (3:54)

No sorry, I... FoRgOt

eboy crack (3:55)

Hah rOaStEd xD I crack myself up

horse lamp (3:55)

I don't get it...

Bree the banana (3:56)

You're so immature xD but it was funny tho

bb boi (3:56)

Well then, I'm gonna go now...


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