milk and honey

395 20 11

just maybe,

it's because im desperate for the honey
gaze you give me. the one that makes me feel like im covered in ichor. maybe it's the way the sun tangles through your hair and combs through you fingers so perfectly it makes me desperate to hold them.

just maybe,

i like the way you make my brain swirl
like it's nothing but milk. caused by your laugh that sound like a thousand symphonies, allowing my thoughts to jumble as they dance to them. maybe its just the way your cherry lips curl into a smile under the shade of a tree, making even aphrodite jealous of its beauty.

or is it because im desperate for
cavities as my name rolls so
sweetly off your tongue,
and your honeycomb eyes
make my stomach feel
sick with pleasure?

just maybe;

( oh definitely )

i want to be your milk and honey.

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