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-"I..uhmm...Am...i..ju..sorry did i wake you up?"

-"You are my chilhood love?!"-of course that tears can't miss thiss oportunity.

-"I..hm..you don't remeber me soo i don't know if is good to talk about it."

-"Can i see your birth sign since you born"

-"Uhm of course."

He has a mark on hic back he had always have it and here it was .i hugged him .I started to cry with loud voice.

-"I'v miss youuu"

-"I'v miss you to Ama"

He always called me like my brother ..Ughh Ama😂

-"Shitttttttttt ,i likee youuuuuu reallyyyyy"

-"Why didn't you tell me about it"

-"Bc you were always with Colin and then i thinked that you would not talkt to me since you went at California"

-"I thinkedd that you were goneee somewhere assholeee"

-"No we were 5 when we meet together and you were 10 when you went at California ,they were the 5 years of my happines since then i never loved someone else bc i find my love to you ,that love that my mother can't give me bc she was to far .."

-"Sorry H really i always called you Rery and i couldn't remember your name"

-"It's okay really ,i'm happy that we find each other again"

-"Of course matee😂,Do you remeber when i asked you what am i for you and you said "You'r my mateee" with a loud voice"

We laught a lot really it was the best night ever.

First Falling🌺Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ