"Right. Well what I wanted to talk about...ah yes! Well tomorrow morning we have library duty, you me and Avery. Loren told me that just this evening right before The Official's parties started for every dorm section." Stark said Melissa nodded and wrote down a reminder in her hologram touch screen.

"Thanks Stark you can go now, I'll be sure to tell Avery first thing when she wakes up tomorrow." Just by the tone of Melissa's voice I knew she knew that I wasn't actually sleeping. Sticking my tongue out at her through the window that she couldn't see into I put my head on my pillow and waited until I heard Stark leave and then Melissa head off to bed, the lights automatically going out. Had I forgot to mention I was part of the academy's student council? In fact I was the vice president. I was also two years younger than everyone in my grade, therefore graduating two years before I should be graduating. Beep. The little noise interrupted my thoughts and I looked over to the side of the square silver box to see the red light flashing. Sighing I pressed the intercom button that accepted Melissa's call.

"Why don't you just tell Stark that you like him already?" Melissa's voice rang through the intercom. I pressed the reply button down hard.

"Because he would never accept me as his girlfriend or anything as a matter of fact also he hates me remember? Now goodnight Melissa." I muttered, releasing the reply button I turned onto my side and faced the other way, pulling my blankets up past my shoulders.

"Okay but I've seen the way he looks at you Avery and that isn't hate, its love girl." Melissa said. Her words struck me but I didn't want to acknowledge them, so as soon as her voice left my intercom I banged my hand on the stop call button and went to sleep not wanting to think about such things when there was the fact that not less than four almost three days from now I'd probably be separated from Stark for a very long time.


"Miss Avery Nickels you are late for combat class, please explain." Yohun asked me when I arrived to my fourth period class. Sadly it was already this late in the day because the library had taken longer to clean up and organize than all three of us had expected. Even with the help of today's modern technology.

"I was doing student council duties that took longer than expected sorry." I said as I took my seat before the mats. Yohun nodded in understanding and then went back to explaining what today's class would be about. Today we got to pick our own partners he explained and then Yohun finished with saying that we'd practice a combo with at least two punches, two kicks and some kind of shove. Stretching as I got up I made my way over to find Melissa when someone tapped me on the shoulder when I turned around to see who it was I immdetly blushed.

"Wanna be my partner?" Stark asked me. I bit my lip, remembering last night, he'd seen much more than I had wanted him to for a long time. But it'd probably be best if I pretended that since I had been drunk I didn't remember anything about last night.

"Sure." I answered walking with Stark to the edge of one of the millions of mats now spread out around the gym. There were only two mats when exams went on, but when it came to class there was millions.

Stark got into position as he waited for my attack. Breathing in deeply I focused on which move I would do in my head and when I opened my eyes I knew exactly how I wanted it to pan out. Running as fast as I could, I turned to make it look like I was gonna do a flying cocktail punch, and just as Stark got in position to block that I stopped mid turn and pivoted the other way, grabbed him by the neck and held him in between my armpit and punched him with my other hand. One part complete, one more punch, two kicks, and a shove left. Assuming my next position I spun on the spot and when ready car wheeled over to Stark, he reached out to grab my legs but I quickly pulled them down and while he still tried to grab my legs I kicked him hard in the shins. Stark resisted his body's natural urge to stumble back and bit his lip as he tried to not notice the pain. Biting my own lip I got up and got ready for my next move.

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