Making it Offical/Telling Everyone 5️⃣

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Tony Stark:
Everything was perfect! Tony had asked you to be his girlfriend when he walked you up to your door after your first date. You hesitated, but agreed. Today, you were meeting his friends.
As you stepped out of the elevators you were met with many warm smiles. Three women with red hair, a tall man with long blonde hair, Someone who must REALLY love America, A guy with purple sunglasses, some guy who looked the opposite of happy, and lastly someone in a lab coat.
You waved as Tony stood next to you, standing on his tip toes to be taller, "Everyone- except Capsicle and Heavy Metal- This is Y/N. My girlfriend."
The three women rushed forward, one shocked, one smiling, and the other smirking. The shocked expression woman quickly flipped her open mouth into a smile, "Tony- are you finally settling down! Awww!"
"Pepper- Don't awww in the tower," Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned to the smirking red head, "What, Nat?"
"Will it last long? Or did you just manage to charm her into your bed?" The woman, Nat, asked.
"I refuse to sleep with someone on the first date. But, we've known each other since we were kids. Still, I have my beliefs," You stated. You saw the guy who loved America a lot, Capsicle, smile and nod.
"Preach it," He said, taking a sip of Coca~Cola, "You've got standards- and that's a good thing."
"Thank you... Capsicle?" You questioned the nickname- well, you HOPED that it was a nickname.
Everyone burst out laughing, "We like her, Stark, she's a riot!"
To be honest, you knew just about everyone's super hero names- just not their real names. The press never managed to find that bit out.
But, you felt at home with everyone in the tower. It felt like one big family. You just hope nothing every happens where they split into two and only come back when the world is on the brink of extinction.

Steve Rogers:
The only friends of Steve's that you had met- were Sam and James. You preferred calling him James- as it irritated him just enough to make him laugh.
But, when Steve asked you to officially be his girlfriend- and you agreed- he wanted you to meet his other friends- and "people he had to deal with" such as Tony Stark.
When you arrived at the tower, you were greeted with smiling faces, "Bucky, Sam- good to see you. I- Well, I've heard about the rest of you."
A man with a goatee came over, sunglasses over his eyes as he smirked, "All good things, I hope? Capsicle May fondue the truth- you never know?"
"Tony- never say fondue again..." Steve sighed, shaking his head and letting out the smallest of laughs as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Y/N." A red headed woman spoke. Shit, you had forgotten that Natasha and Steve were friends. She looked like she wanted to murder you- until she pulled you into a bear hug five seconds later.
You could get used to this.

Clint Barton:
You and Clint had just finished watching a new movie, which resulted in you making out in the elevator. When it dinged open- you were met with the faces of the avengers.
Your face flushed, and you stated at them like a deer in headlights. Clint cleared his throat, whispering in your ear, "I thought the elevator ride was longer..."
"Who's she, Clint?" Someone asks. She appeared in front of you, long ginger hair, wearing a red coat.
"Wanda, meet Y/N. Y/N, this is Wanda. And that's her brother, Pietro," Clint explains as you reach your hand out for Wanda to shake. She takes it, firmly shaking it. Clint swallows, "Y/N and I are... dating."
You hear a few whistles from the couch as you step out of the elevator. "Way to go, Clint! We knew someone would have to be with you someday!"
"Shut up, Stark," Clint sighs, leading you into the kitchen where you were met with a red headed woman, who was currently glaring at you.
"So you're the woman who's taking up all of my best friend's time? Huh?" She questioned, rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry- I-" You began, but Clint cut you off.
"Nat, this is Y/N. My girlfriend. Girlfriends do take up time- that's how girlfriends work," Clint snarks, stocking his tongue out jokingly.
"Eh- if you make him happy... But I expect dinner every Monday night."

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