Beginne am Anfang

"Sure," he starts to walk to the little couch by the bed and sits at the edge of the bed. "How long were you guys going to do it for?" asking out of curiosity.

"Lets just each ask one question." Sam suggested to the three of them who were sitting in-front of him. "Also I'm hoping that's because you just did that but that water was rippling." Sam adds, releasing an "uhh" after and moved around to feel comfortable on the ground.

"What?!" All of them asked terrifiedly.

To try and dilate the whole situation down, he tried to assure them, "Well it was like—"he stops to show them how he saw the water ripple in the cup.

Corey gasps as he points the cup again. "It just did it again." earning a confused look from Rose.

"—He just touched it." Sam tried to reassure Corey.

He starts to nod his head rapidly. "No, as you said that Sam, it did it again." Corey explains to the group. "Tap the floor Sam, with your finger." Instead they all did it, and they watched as the cup or water didn't do anything. "Oh my goood Sam I watched it do it." their heads turn to the little pendulum Colby placed by the light to see if the wind came and moved it. "It's not moving." he says.

After awhile of just looking around the room to see if anything else moved, but nothing seemed out of place. The foursome start to get ready for the ritual, but before thy could even get started, they all heard a knock on the door, which caused an already scared/frightened Corey to get more afraid of staying inside the room. Their hands collided. Colby's hand with Rose and Jake, Roses hand with Sam and Colby, and Sams hands with Rose and Jake. They were now ready to start the ritual they've been wanting to do all night, practically.

"We're not trying to do any harm, we're not trying to come out here and like summon bad spirit, we're not trying to like disgrace it in anyway like Jake, let's be nice to it." Sam spoke up, referring to Jakes comments throughout the experience at the hotel.

"Lets just take like a couple breaths like the psychic said." as they all breathed in slowly, and exhaled smoothly. "If anyone's out there listening, we just wanna know if any noises that we heard, or spirits, or some kind of presence." Jake stops so that the being in the room can make any thing happen in the room to show them that they were here.

Then Colby had a realization. "You know what I forgot, Lucy does lollipops and doors, Corey can you open both of these doors?" Colby asks to Corey who was still sitting on the bed.

"No." he answered fast at his question, letting a slurring laugh that was laced with fear. "You want me to go open it?" Corey questioned Sam like he was insane.

"Just open door like a crack bit." Sam requested, as Corey starts to stands up to do it.

Corey looks back at Sam and asks, "Can I open it all the way?" whilst his shakey hand was on the door knob.

"—You can open it however way you want it." and with that, Corey proceeds to open the front door halfway, and the closet door slightly. "Let's see if that changes anything." Sam implied before they all hold each other's hands again.

The blonde boy looks towards his right to see Rosalyn was looking down at the ground. "Are you ok Rose?" Sam noticing her face a bit afraid and her body language like she was uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm fine just, thinking about something." she glances over to Colby before holding his hand tightly, as he does the same with her.

Corey agrees to the Seance after awhile of Colby begging him as he sat down right next to Colby and Jake."Spirit or presence, we-we know you're here, honestly like we've been hearing you all day, we even heard that there is a man here, a cowboy, Lucy on this fourth floor, moving lollipops, like you've moved some stuff, in our room like we know your here, just please give us a sign."

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