Offense is Best Defense

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"Why would anyone keep THAT in their house?!" Sophie asks as you bring back a battle axe. It's bigger than the young phantom and you have to muster some effort to carry it around. You dispose of the knife that you've been carrying, leaving you with just the bottle, the spray can, the flashlight, the cross key, and now the battle axe. Sophie takes the flashlight as the two of you head back to where the staircase is located and you find another door. This one refuses to open though, and you look at the axe you're carrying.

"Stand back Sophie." You say as you swing the axe. One mighty swing is all that it takes to smash the door to splinters, revealing yet another room. Once you find a light source though, the room lights up to reveal...

"Another staircase?" Sophie asks. "Man this place is bigger than I thought!"

"Well, let's head down then." You say as you and Sophie head down. The flashlight is now the only thing illuminating whatever is at the end of the staircase and it turns out to be something like an unfinished basement. Suddenly, something enters visible range of the flashlight! It's a skeleton that's holding it's own head in one hand and what looks like a piece of itself in the other hand. It makes a dry rattling sound as it walks over towards you, and you set the axe down to take out the bottle. "I told you this would make a good weapon. Eat this!" You shout as you smash the bottle over the skeleton's head! You and Sophie swear you can hear chirping birds as the skeleton stumbles around in a daze before collapsing into a pile of bones. "Well, that's new... Huh, another door." You say as you and Sophie make your way to said door.

This one has a strange gem as a doorknob, and as soon as you grab ahold of it, you feel something weird enter your body. You manage to open the door before you fall to your knees, holding your head in pain- something malevolent is trying to invade your mind!

"Are you okay?!" Sophie asks worriedly as you try to fight off the evil force in your head.

"No I will not succumb to the darkness!" You shout, your voice starting to become distorted. Sophie takes the cross from your pocket and raises it over her head!

"Whatever has gotten into you, it won't be there for long! HIYAH!!!" Sophie yells as she clonks you over the head with the cross.

"OW!" You yell as you hold your head in pain, but just as Sophie predicted, the evil force quickly evicts your mind, leaving you with a pounding headache. "For a girl your age, you hit really hard! At least whatever was in my mind is gone. Thanks for saving me again." And with that the two of you head into this room. Sophie finds a light source and as soon as she turns it on, the room lights up to reveal a strange unkempt bedroom. Various pieces of metal lay around and there's a book with a pentagram on the cover. "...Should I open it?"

"I don't sense anything coming out of it." Sophie replies, and you open the book. It turns out to be a diary, one of the creepy old man that owned the house. There were entries on how he had been experimenting with the paranormal and how he could allow the most dangerous of ghosts to stay in his house. Eventually the chaos was too much, and he perished when one of the ghosts managed to beat him bloody, judging by the last entry and how it had been cut off abruptly.

"His spirit might be here. Be careful." You say, and sure enough, the pieces of metal lying around the floor begin to hover and animate, forming what looks like a suit of armor sans the helmet, and you and Sophie quickly leave the room as the suit of armor pulls out a sword that had been laying around in the bedroom and follows you. "This must be the work of the ghosts this guy's let in. If I'm going to find out where my best friend is, I gotta get rid of these guys first!"

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