The one time one of the boys off of the football team tried something with her, and got a little too aggressive, a little too quick, Percy was there in a heartbeat. And a rumour began.

Mark, the football captain, grew an interest for the quiet nerd. She was pretty, for sure, and was practically untouchable. Anyone who tried anything with her were sent away as quickly as they came, and so Mark knew that she would be the perfect conquest.

Annabeth wasn't stupid. She heard the rumours. She knew exactly who Mark was and exactly what he was planning to do. It still didn't stop her from being surprised when he cornered her at her locker right after the bell.

"So, Annie-" He unsuccessfully began.

"Don't call me Annie."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight." He continued unfazed. Annabeth sighed.

"No." She attempted to walk off, before being pushed back into the locker by Mark a second later. He smirked.

"I'm not sure you heard me correctly-"

"No, I'm not sure you heard me correctly." Annabeth was growing impatient. All she wanted was to get to class, and this dimwit was ruining her mood. But before she could do anything of it – and she really just wanted to kick him in the nuts – Mark was pushed back, almost halfway across the hall.

"She said no Mark." The low and dangerous voice of the one and only Percy Jackson said loudly. Annabeth immediately sighed. This was the moment that would ruin all of her little plans. Yet, she didn't say anything. Not only was Percy risking their secret relationship, but she really wanted the satisfaction to knock Mark out.

Nonetheless, Mark knew about Percy's 'dangerous' reputation. Everyone did. And everyone knew that Percy did not tolerate bullies, especially not sexist assholes. So Mark did the logical thing. He stood with whatever dignity he had left, huffed, and muttered to Percy.

"Yeah whatever." Before marching off. Once he was gone, Annabeth turned towards her boyfriend, a scowl on her lips. Naturally, they had attracted quite a crowd in the halls, even if the bell had rung not five minutes ago.

When Percy had noticed Annabeth's angry expression, he looked shocked.

"I could have handled it my self, Jackson." She said in a venomous voice.

"I was just trying to help." Percy replied, getting equally annoyed.

"What, by stepping in and throwing him halfway across the hall?" She fought back.

"To get him to stop being a dick, yeah." Percy was getting exasperated.

"Next time remember; I can handle myself." And she pushed past Percy with a hard shove, only hearing Percy sigh in the background.

"You're welcome!" He cried after her receding body. All he got in return was a very unflattering gesture from Annabeth.

Oh yeah, Annabeth could definitely live without him.

Now a rumour seemed to go around the school that Annabeth and Percy hated each other. No matter how much Annabeth hated that that was what she was known for, she had to admit it was funny.

That night in Percy's apartment, Annabeth and Percy had a nice laugh, after a short spat. That's the way their dynamic worked. In the end, they decided to keep up the charade. Now, instead of being completely oblivious of each other, the pair 'hated' each other. It couldn't be more hilarious.

Sally Jackson found out about their plan a couple of weeks later. She had offered to pick them up from school, and both of them immediately began denying, trying to get out of it. Sally had quirked an eyebrow, but had, on the better part, understood what was happening.

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