Chapter 13 - Part 2

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The movie ends at around five o'clock in the afternoon, and the only thing on Kengkla's mind as they exit the theater is going to eat with Techno and ditching Dawn.

"That ending was so sad," Dawn says to Techno the words warm and easy to ignore. "I really wasn't prepared. I almost cried."

"Really, Ai' Dawn It's just a movie?"Techno replies, warmly enough that Kengkla can hear the smile on his voice even if he wasn't looking. "I liked it though. But still not as good as the first. What did you think, Ai' Kla? Good?"

"Yes, P'No. It was good," Kengkla answers, sounding as disinterested as he scans the hallway for the restroom, coming up with a scheme. "Uh, P', I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me?"

Techno nods, meeting Kengkla's gaze, and just as Kengkla is about to head toward the men's room, Dawn says, "Wait." She begins slipping off Kengkla's jacket and neatly folds it in her arms, holding it out for him. "Your jacket! Thank you again, Ai' Kla. It kept me warm."

Kengkla glances at Techno to see his reaction first while he takes the jacket from Dan. Techno's mouth is soft, is dipping into a faint frown of discomfort; he shifts his shoulders like he's trying to get comfortable. It's an interesting reaction.

"No problem, P'," Kengkla tells her then glances at the bathroom sign, notating the door is right around the corner from where they stand. "I'll be right back. Please wait here."

They both give him an approving look, and Kengkla mouth twitches on amusement when he turns his back to them, walking just around the corner but never entering the bathroom. Waiting adjacent to the door, he looks down at his phone as if he is texting for anyone that passes. But where he stands, Kengkla is just within earshot of Dawn and Techno.

"This was fun! We should do this again when I'm in town," Dawn says, her voice brighter than when she was talking to Kengkla moments ago.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun," Techno answers, and Kengkla can feel himself frown at the others answer.

"You know P'No, I'm here until Monday. Can we hang out again tomorrow?" Dawn is really stepping into Kengkla's territory with this question. Kengkla can't help but grit his teeth, ignoring the loud teens passing him and the bathrooms.

Techno doesn't answer for a second. "Uh.." He croaks, and Kengkla can feel his heart race. "Well, I'm pretty busy right now, Ai' Dawn. We have our last game coming up soon and finals too. P' has been pretty busy for a while. Sorry."

Kengkla smiles in silent rejoice.

"Oh," Dawn says then clears her throat while Kengka imagines the awkward moment from where he can't see. "Well, the reason I'm being so pushy is actually because..." She pauses, and Kengkla's skin goes cold. He can almost predict what she's going to say next. "I like you, P'No. I have for a while." And there it is.

He doesn't want to hear Techno's answer. Her confession like a stab in the heart, like a door slamming shut in his face to shove back the ever-tentative hope of reciprocation of feelings from Techno. There's no way you can compete with Dawn ; they have history, his mind echos while he leans up against the wall, shutting his eyes to calm the racing of his heart from self-deprecation and jealous want at once.

"What?" He finally hears Techno gasp, and Kengkla can picture the others red cheeks. "You like me?" Kengkla wants to shake Techno sometimes for believing no one would like him. If no one liked Techno, Kengkla wouldn't have wasted so many years chasing away his admirers.

Dawn chuckles. "Yes, P'No," She says sweetly. "So, I was wondering," There's a pause, and Kengkla holds his breath. "Would you go on a date with me?"

[Kengkla x Techno] Unfinished Business (Love by Chance Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora