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Dear Charles,
It's been three months.
You're now hospitalised at the Princes Grace in Monaco, at home.
Lots of your friends come to visit you quite often and so do some drivers like Pierre especially or Max or Seb but I've done my best to avoid them.
I can't see them.
Whenever I look at them, whenever I see the flowers or the cards they leave for you I can feel the anger raising in me.
It's not their fault if you crushed, I know this.
I just need someone to blame and they're here living the life you used to, achieving what you wanted to...
I just miss you so much Charles, I can't stop wondering why did it have to be you and not one of them: it's horrible for me to think of that but I can't help it.
Binotto keeps calling your brother sometimes, he wants to know how you're doing but doesn't dare to come near me anymore.
There had been an accident the day we moved you there from China: he tried to be nice, telling me that you would be fine but I was exhausted, stressed out, and I dumped the weight on him, I screamed at him., told him to never come near my family ever again. 

Ever since then he hadn't talked to me anymore.

I'm so angry.
I'm freaking out without you!
There are cameras everywhere I go.
Paparazzi don't let us breath.
I can't even take Damien to school anymore!
What did I do to deserve this?
Why did you do, my angel, to end up like this?
Your wife,

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