Let go.

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After that scene Leah had with Jared, everyone was in tears. They were gonna miss her having around goofing off with Jared and Jensen. Jared couldn't let go of her. "Baby. I'm not gonna leave you. I'm just gonna change sets. I'm still gonna come home to you" She softly cooed at him. "Yeah I know. Can't I hold you under my arm?" he asked with a light frown. Leah giggled and snuggled in his chest "Of course you can" she mumbled softly. Jared heaved a soft sigh and tightened his hold around him wrapping her up in his hold pressing his lips against her forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you on set though. And fans are gonna miss Kayla. I'm certain of that" he said with a puppy face looking down at her.
"I know. Well, good thing Kayla isn't gonna die" she said nesting her face into his chest. "Yeah." Jared softly chuckled "yeah that would've been a really fucked up thing to do" Jared agreed. 

"Leah?" Jensens voice came in her Trailer. "Hey" he grinned brightly yet sadly at her. 
"Hey Jens. What's up?" She said slowly coming out of Jareds chest with a smile. 
"I wanna give you something. I never do this to stars who left the show but... here" he reached out for his pocket and offered her his Dean necklace. 
"But Dean needs that, Jensen. I can't take it. It's part of the costume" she said with a frown. 
"Don't worry. I have 2 more, just in case I lost one. Please, Take it Leah." Jensen said with saddened eyes. Leah slowly reached out for it and discreetly and gingerly took it. "Thank you Jensen. I will keep this for good luck" she said squeezing in her hand. 
Jensen gave her a soft sad smile before he tried to joke with "Jared may I?" but his voice broke as tears started to form. Leah leaned onto Jensen and squeezed him tight. "it's Alright Jensen. We'll still go out on triple dates!! Please don't be Sad!" she  rubbed his back ever so comfortingly. 

Jensen let go of her and gave her a tight smile with teared eyes. "I'm sorry it's just... we had fun on this set, Leah. And I'm gonna miss my kitty." 
Leah pouted her lips adorably before she hugged him tight almost crying herself "I'm always gonna be your kitty" Jensen tightened his hold around her and kissed her temple. "I'm gonna leave you 2 alone. Good luck for your walking dead experience kitty" 
"Thanks puppy" he gave her one small soft smile and left. 
Jared pulled her back in his embrace "I'm not letting you go until you arrive on the walking dead set" He stated with a kind of glare. Leah giggled and snuggled into his chest even more. "I won't argue" she replied. 

Misha and Sabaa came in the trailer "Oh come on!" Jared mumbled. Leah laughed before kissing his cheek "I live with you, give the others a break" she said to him before she turned over to her best friend and her boyfriend, who she also sees a best friend. 
"Hey Leah. We just wanted to say good luck on your debut on walking dead. I'm sure you'll crush it" Misha said with a tight smile.
"Aaww thank guys. You're handling it very well next to Jensen and this guy, right here!" she said pointing at Jared "Hey!! You're my bunny! I'm not suppose to share my bunny with zombies!" Jared pouted. Leah shook her head with a giggle before she turned and seen that she spoken way too soon. 

Sabaa was literally drowning in tears. "I'm gonna miss you, Leah" Leah jumped off the couch and ran to hug her tight "hey hey hey! I'm still gonna be around. We can still go out with each other. We can make Saturday: girls night, me, you and Daneel! You're all gonna be fine. We're still gonna see each other. I don't see why everyone is sad that I'm leaving. It's not like I'm leaving your lives for good." Sabaa tightened her hold "we're just gonna miss seeing you everyday. We're not gonna see you everyday" 
"Yeah, I know. but you're still gonna see me. Maybe not everyday but you're still gonna see me" Leah said rubbing her arms comfortingly and looking down on her best friend. Sabaa looked up to her with puppy eyes and nodded "I know. I know." she repeated before she hugged the blonde again. 
Leah chuckled and rubbed her brunette best friends back. Misha was quietly tearing up as so was Jared. These 2 are inseparable. "well, we'll miss you around here Leah. If you need anything call any of us" Misha said. Leah grinned and nodded "will sure do" she said letting go of Sabaa's arm and hugging Misha tightly. 

*few weeks after all those sad goodbyes.*

There will be a mention of a new character Zohra  @The_Fallen_Goddess (Go follow her people) 

It was time to let go. Cliff drove Leah to L.A, Hollywood and stopped her in front of the walking dead set. She let out a heaving sigh before she said "well. Here goes nothing." she turned to Jared and pressed her forehead against his "I love you." she whispered. Jared closed his eyes and  whispered "I love you too" they pressed each others lips against each other forming a deep passionate kiss. In a sentence.. they love each other. So much. Nothing can stop their love. 

They let go of the kiss and Leah looked at Cliff and smiled "Thanks cliff! See ya around" she told him "Good luck Leah" he said with a nice smile before she gave one more look and quick kiss to Jared before getting out of the car and took one deep breath before going in on set. 
She hesitantly entered and immediately felt a bit uncomfortable... She couldn't wait to meet Jeffery. He could help make her feel better. "Hi um... I'm Leah..Eddleston.. I'm new here" She went to a stage manager with a soft smile. 
"Oh lovely!! You're early!! Good!! Follow me please! Jeffery told us all about you!! I'm the stage manager here. If you need anything, You can give me a shout. My name is, Kurt Lively." he walked her to the green room and prepared her "Now.. do you do your own make up or do you need someone professional?"
"Um.." the only person that came into mind was Sabaa... She was already missing her... they were right to be Sad.. it's not gonna be the same. 
"Leah, Are you ok sweetie?" the manager asked sweetly. 
"Oh yeah! Just um... missing my supernatural friends. um, yes. I need someone professional actually, I know how to do make up just not as professionally" 
"Alright then, I'll seek you to it. I will be right  back, Make yourself at home. If you want to bother some of the actors, Jeffery's room is 2 doors on the left, Normans is 4 and Andrews is on the 5th. Just don't go on the 3rd door on your right.. There's Zohra and you don't want to bother her when she's alone studying her script. She plays Fallen in the show. She's a new actress too, she's been here for 4 weeks already. I hope you two will get along well" he said before he scurried out of the room and leaving Leah alone. 
2 doors on the left. She pushed herself off her directors chair and rushed off into Jefferey's room. 
"I'm sorry, I don't see any demons around here. Must be on the wrong set" Leah said with her arms crossed against her chest and leaning on the door frame and a smirk plastered on her face. Jeffery looked up and his face brightened "Leah!!" he exclaimed before he got off his chair and pulled her up in a hug twirling her in the air. Leah laughed and squealed "Daddy! Don't do that on this set!" She spoken through a giggle. Jeffery laughed before he put her down. "You're finally here! I have to introduce you to everyone! Follow me!" he said and walked into Normans room. "Norman you decent?" 
"Yeah! Come in" The adorable and sweetheart tone sounded from behind  the door. Jeffery opened the door "Norman, You know Leah. Leah, you know Norman" 
Leah was about to fangirl but she kept her professional side in contact "Hi Norman. Huge Fan of your work" She said shaking the actors hand. Norman smiled "well nice to finally meet you Leah. Jeffery speaks highly of you." Leah blushed and giggled before she bit her lips. "Oh. Um.. Th...Thanks Jeffery." she said not putting glance towards the 2 actors. "Come on. Let's meet you up with Andrew." 

Leah grinned and walked up to them. "Hey yo, Lincoln! You dressed properly?!?!" 
"Yes Norman!" The British actors voice boomed from the other side of the door. "There's someone me and Jeffery want you to meet." the long haired actor said through his soft and gentle tone. 
Andrew opened the door and found his 2 best friends and a girl he never seen before. "Hi.. Wait.. Is that Leah? The one you've been telling us about, Jeffery?" His voice exclaimed in excitement. 
"Yep! Leah, You know Andrew. Andrew, This is Leah" Jeffery announced placing an arm around Leah's shoulder. Leah smiled and shook Andrews arm "hi! Big Fan!" Leah claimed with a grin. "Thank you, love. I seen your work. You're quite good." 
"Thank you." Leah blushed immensely. 
"Alright... There is a scene going on... but once that's over, you and I are gonna have a scene together. You know your lines, right? received your script?" Jeffery asked her. 
"Yeah! Yeah! Everything is fine but just one question" she paused a bit for dramatic effect and then exclaimed with "why am I gonna be Naked in my first scene?!?!??!?!" Leah exclaimed with a bit of comic look in her eye making the men laugh hard. 

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