"An unexpected visit..."- chapter 37

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"Hello?" I asked warily.

"Alissa." The voice on the other side of the phone sighed in relief. It was Luke.

"Luke... whose number is this?" I asked, pulling my phone away from my ear for a moment to look at the number again.

"It's the precinct's." He answered, making my eyes go wide.

"They gave you your badge back?" I scoffed.

"Not exactly, I'm in a bad situation..."
"Do not tell me you've been arrested." I scowled, earning a few raised eyebrows from everyone on the table.

"Unfortunately, I did. The vampires attacked the Jade Wolf. And they killed most of the pack." He whispered, my jaw dropped. "And the police think that I did it"

"Luke, oh my god. I..."
"There's no time to explain. I need you to tell the ShadowHunters what happened. I gotta go. Don't worry about me, kiddo. I love you." He sighed

"Wait, Luke. What about Maia..." I stared at my phone in disbelief as the line went dead.

"What is it? What happened?" Alec asked as I was still staring at my phone, shocked.

"Luke's been arrested and a coven of vampires attacked the Jade wolf killing nearly all of his pack." I mumbled, finally looking up at everyone. "That's got to be against the accords."

Later on...
I sat anxiously waiting in the control room with Alec for Izzy to come back with the report on the Jade wolf. Distracting myself, I watched as most of the people in the room tapped their fingers across the screens.

"Izzy, any survivors?" I snapped my head up towards the door and heard Izzy's high heels clicking against the floor as she walked into the room.

"I searched the entire area around the Jade Wolf. I couldn't find anyone." Izzy sighed.

"What about Maia. It's a good sign that's she's not there right?" I asked.

"She's not among the dead. There's no sign of her." Izzy explained as Alec shook his head.

"Vampires killing werewolves. This is how wars start, Izzy." He scowled, starting to fill the report out on one of the screens. My widened as i saw Heidi being escorted into the room.

"What the hell is she doing here." I spat, grabbing Alec's attention away from the screens and towards the doorway where Heidi stood.

"She said she had information." Underhill explained, I watched closely as Alec stared down her. "Well, he's listening."

"I know who massacred those werewolves. It was my clan." She answered simply, I scoffed before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards Alec's office.

"Why are you so willing to turn on your own clan?" Alec asked as I pushed down onto one of the chairs.

"Well, they're not my clan. Not really." She shrugged. "I heard them talking about an attack on the werewolves, and I never thought they would actually do it. And now, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't say something.

"That's complete bullshit! She's lying..."
"Alissa! Don't you dare start throwing accusations around." Alec yelled at me, hurting my feelings slightly.

"The Angel's Inside of me..." a Alec Lightwood Fanfic (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz