She let go of me and started walking towards her open window. "So what's up bud?" I said cheerfully. She turned back to face me and put her hands together, palm to palm. "So, it's about our relationship." "You breaking up with me?" I said jokingly with a straight face. She responded. "Ha ha. No." I had hoped to ease any tension. "We've been doing this for only a couple of days and I've really been enjoying it. Being open to each other, holding hands, hugging, kissing. I really like the kissing." We both smiled at that. I had a little giggle. "Everything's been going great and there's nothing wrong but, I would like to, if you want to as well, take our relationship to the next step." "How do you mean? Like sleep in the same bed, share clothes, let everyone know we're boyfriend & girlfriend?" "No. Well, maybe, but not right now. I was thinking something more, say, intimate." She was blushing and sounding cautiously shy. "Well what were you thinking?" "I should just come out and say it but it's rather embarrassing to say." "Would you like me to guess?" "No I can say it. Just give me a moment." "Sure." She breathed in and out. What kind of relationship did she want to have? I'm ok with whatever level she wants to go to if we don't go too fast. "Ok, here it is. I want to have sex with you." That might be too fast. 

She really just asked that. It's only been several days and she's asking for my virginity to trade with hers. My eyes were just open with surprise and I was feeling nervous from the request. I said "I'm gonna react calmly here and treat it like a adult of some sort." She spoke back quickly and ran up towards me. "I know it sounds like a crazy thing to ask but please let me explain." "You may. I hope it's a good explanation. I'm not saying no, I'm just cautious." This was gonna be interesting. "Ok so here's what I've been thinking. I like our relationship, it's been going great even though it hasn't been going on for very long and I kept thinking about you. I kept thinking about you and just, well, I've been thinking about you so much. Then I thought about you in a different way, a... sexual way." She was tapping her index fingers together. What got to me was that she was thinking about me the same I was thinking about her. My feelings on this were a little bit mixed. "And I know this whole things sounds out of the blue but, now I just can't stop thinking about you that way. I keep looking at you and I keep thinking about doing sexual activities with you. I can't get it off my mind and now I just want to do it." 

How should I respond to this? "Ok. Say we both agreed to this, do you even know how sex works?" "Yes, of course." "Are you a virgin?" "Yeah. Awkward question to ask." "I don't know I'm just making this up as I go really. Last question though. Do you know where to get protection?" "Why would armor be an issue?" Is she not aware of needing condoms for sex? "Not armor, a condom. When you have sex and don't want a kid popping out of you in nine months." I tried talking to her as if trying to make my voice sound like I was giving her hints. She responded "First off, I don't know what that is. And two, it's seven months, not nine." "I'm pretty sure it's nine unless our two species are different. Also a condom is when people have sex but they don't want to have a baby yet. Atleast that's how it works for Humans. Also a condom goes on the penis to prevent sperm from going into the lady." "Okay... well, Etherian's don't need a 'condom' because unlike your species, we can control when we want kids. We only get pregnant when we want to." "Are you serious? That must save money." "I suppose it would. But putting that aside, what about my request?" I didn't really have long to think, I was on the spot and was expected of an answer. "Ok, here's my thought on the matter. What if we were to start the process that leads to sex, like making out. Then we see how we feel and then if we both feel up to it, then maybe, we can do it. I don't want to say no, but this is just so sudden. I've never done this before." "Me neither, but it can turn out to be really great and we could both enjoy it. I don't really expect a yes really, but please consider." 

A Glimmering Romance (She-Ra Fanfic)(Male Reader X Glimmer)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя