Immortality // Whizzvin

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A/N okay so this is based on a really funny soulmate AU that I found that I have never seen written about. So here it is.

Earth was a funny place to live. Everyone grew up normal, until the age of 18 that is. On your 18th birthday, you would stop ageing until you found your soulmate. This way you could grow old together. But for Whizzer this meant immortality.

Whizzer found out that if he avoided anyone who was 18, he could be immortal. He would never age because he wouldn't have a soulmate. He made sure all his friends were older. Sometimes he was lonely, but immortality meant a better life.

It was a warm Saturday morning when Whizzer got to work. He hadn't stepped through doors properly when his boss ran over to him.

"Whizzer will you do me a favour?" She smiled.

"Sure, what is it?" He smiled back.

"Train up our new staff member. I would myself but I have to go get todays food order."

Whizzer nodded and went into the kitchen to find them.

"Hey you must be the new guy, I'm Whizzer." He said extending his arm.

"Yeah, I'm Marvin." The 'new' guy said as he shook Whizzer's hand.

The day flew past pretty quickly. Training Marvin was quite easy and the pair seemed to get along well.

"Do you work here every day? You seem like a pro at this job." Marvin asked.

"No only weekends. This is just an extra job until my online company takes off." Whizzer smiled. "It's time to clock out. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, you will."

The two said goodbye and parted ways.


Two weeks later, Whizzer couldn't help but raise a brow at the weird looks his friends were giving him. When he got to work he decided to confront his boss.

"Hey Cordelia, Do I have something written on my forehead that I can't see? People keep looking at me funny?"

"No, you don't Whizzer." Cordelia smiled, "You just look a little older."

"I what?!"

"Yeah, you've lost your little baby face in these past two weeks. Haven't you noticed?"


Cordelia laughed, "Looks like our good friend Marvin has put an end to your immortality."

Whizzer went pale. This was it. He was no longer immortal. He began to shake. "I don't want ti to die. I'm scared of dying."

"Hey it's okay, come on, let's get you into the kitchen." Cordelia comforted him as he began to hyperventilate.

She sat him on the floor and got him some water.

"Is everything okay? I saw him panicking through the window." Marvin asked.

Cordelia went over and whispered in his ear. Marvin whispered something back and Cordelia left. Marvin walked to Whizzer and sat next to him.

"You know," Marvin started when Wizzer had calmed down slightly, "You don't need to be afraid."

"I do!" Whizzer snapped, "I don't like not having a plan or not knowing what's going on. How am I supposed to cope with death?"

"Because you have me now." Marvin comforted, "And we are going to do it together. I'm not going to let you go through it alone."

"But Marvin, we live in the '80s. Aren't you scared people are going to judge us?" Whizzer asked, "We aren't a normal couple."

"From now on, the only opinion that really matters to me is yours." Marvin smiled.


"Yep. The biggest shock I have had today is not that I'm going to die but that I get to do it with a handsome man like you. I also didn't know I was gay until today, so there's that too." Marvin added which made Whizzer laugh.

"Well soulmate," Whizzer said, "We better get back to work."

A/N Have something happy before the sad one comes...

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